Chapter 4

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                                    Abigail’s Pov

 Note: thanks to all the readers!!! Enjoy

The backyard was filled with so many unknown faces to me; but I was having fun with Noel’s family. I had come over around noon and Eve and Roxanne came around two too. All four of us were sitting at a table by the pool eating and talking about some guys to take to winter ball.

We all teased Noel about taking Trevor; “You guys are so mean.” She pouted crossing her arms. We laughed at her. “You know its true, that’s why you didn’t deny it.” Eve teased. Noel stuck her tongue out at us, which only caused us to laugh some more.

The food was awesome; Noel said her mom has this secret recipe for her baked beans and won’t tell anyone until she dies. We all laughed. After and waiting a good two hours we all went swimming in Noel’s pool. I was really glad I decided to come over today. I got to meet Noel’s crazy aunty Mattie and her two twin cousins Lelah and Lilah. They were adorable with their matching pink dresses; they were only two years old, making them even cuter.

I watched how her family joked and played around with each other. Laughing at each other or talking about how they remember when so and so was a innocent infant. I really was having a good time.

Like every great day there was always an end; it began to get late so it was time for me to head home. “Thank you dear for coming.” Noel’s mother handed me a plate wrapped with food to take home to my dad. “Yes, we really enjoyed your company.” Noel’s father gave me a warm smile. Both of her parents were at the door saying their good byes.


When I pulled into the garage dad’s truck was there, letting me know he was home. Oscar was lying on the kitchen floor asleep. I bent down to rub the canines’ ears. Dad was in the den watching a game on TV when I came down there.

“Here’s some food from the barbeque, Noel’s mom thought you should have some.” I held the plate out towards him.

“That was nice of her.” He took the plate of food from and unwrapped to see what was underneath. “I’ll go get you fork.” My phone vibrated in my pocket, on my way to the kitchen. I grabbed me a bottle of water and bottle of beer for my dad too and hid fork then headed back to the den.

I placed the bottle of beer on the table and handed him his fork. “Thanks sweetie.” “No problem dad.” I headed upstairs to my room. I fell back on to my bed when I sat down.

After a few minutes of laying there on my bed I finally pulled out my phone to see who the message was from.

*Chad- hello rose*

I groaned; how did he my number. I certainly don’t remember giving it to him. The only other people with my number were friends and I know they would never give out my number to anyone. Only person to suspect was Trevor.

*Me- how did you get this number?*

A few seconds later.

*Chad- I have my ways.*

I just shook my head at his message.

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