Chapter 1 ~

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This story is extremely triggering. Don't read unless you can take it.

Ashton's P.O.V




I unplugged my alarm. I don't want to go to school now. I don't want to school tomorrow. I don't want to go to school ever. But I have to for my Mum since I want to help her out and give back for what she has given me through life. I grabbed my clothes for the day and began to get ready. I danced around trying to put my black skinny jeans on. When I was finally able to, I ran down the stairs to see that no one was home. And by no one I mean my mum. I'm her only child and she's my only parent. She accepts me for who I am and I'm thankful for her existence.

I grabbed some grapes and threw them into the air trying to catch it with my mouth wide open. I was going to throw another one, but a hand took it.

"WHAT THE FUCK" I yelled, terrified for my life.

"You're not the only hungry one in this room Irwin" I turned around with a hand on my chest to see Niall, aka my douche of a best friend.

"And you're not the one who paid for these Horan"

He shrugged and kept on eating food from my fridge. How is it possible that he eats so much but stays in shape? I can't do that! I'm always eating junk, that's why i'm twice the weight I should be.

"C'mon Ash. We've gotta bounce!" He said jiggling his car keys.

"Alright" I mumbled not-so-enthusiastically.

~* An hour later *~

We had arrived at school and gone our separate ways. I had my head hung low and my hands gripping tightly to my backpack straps. They were sweaty and gross, stupid fucking nerves.

The bell rang and the hallways cleared. I tried to run fast towards my home-room class but instead I was pushed into one of the lockers.

"We meet again faggot" Bruce growled.

"W-what do you want?"

"I got detention and I blame you"

"But I-"

And that's when I felt his fist hit my face. I covered my face trying to stop him. He started kicking my ribs and stomach. Can't he just let me be free without fucking me up first thing in the morning. Why not do it in the afternoon after school is finished? I just want to pain to go away, I want to go away. Somewhere far far away from here. Please give me wings. I just don't want to be here anymore. Every single thing alive hates me.

"Fucking fag. I hope you die soon, you're just a waste of space." He said spitting at me. And walked away like nothing happened. I tried sitting up but was hit with pain. Im sure I'll have bruises by tonight.

He's right though, I am a waste of space. I don't deserve to live. I should just fucking kill myself already if that's how much people hate me. No one will even notice.

Hey do you know who Ashton Irwin was?


Neither do I

I can already imagine the world without me. It'd be paradise for everyone. I managed to get up and limped out of the abandoned class. My house was a good thirty minutes away. So I could manage.



Attention seeker

Waste of space

Piece of Shit


The words kept haunting me. The demons in my head were coming back.

I hate me, myself, and I.

Tuesday is so nice to me.

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