Chapter 18

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Ashtons P.O.V

I was so happy to see Luke, it was great knowing that he actually cared enough to be here for me.

I still don't know how I got here, or who called the ambulance. I'm going to have to ask the doctor later.

I really wish these thoughts would go away. I just want to be a happy teenager all over again. I want to live a happy life, as Austin Carlile says, we're too young to live this way.

I think it's weird that Luke is still with me after all we've been through even when we weren't dating. He saw something I never wanted him to see, and he still decided to ask me to be his boyfriend.

He's such an amazing person, I don't know why god is rewarding me with him, he's truly an angel.

I sighed as I was on Luke's chest with his hand protectively wrapped around me. He fell asleep after I asked him for a cuddle, while I stayed awake because of all the thoughts Im having.

I don't want Luke to get tired of me. But if he does, I'll understand why. It pains me to see him how he is. Huge bags under his eyes, probably from crying so much. His eyes were puffy.

I don't want to wake him, he needs his rest. As long as he is here with me I know I'll be okay.

I yawned and my eyes started to droop. They closed, and opened, closed and opened. And then I finally fell asleep.

"Ashton, you need to wake up" A nurse exclaimed shaking me.

I opened my eyes and sat up. I looked around the room, and noticed I was alone.

"You have to eat Ashton"

"I'm not hungry at the moment"

"You haven't eaten since you woke up! You have too"

"I don't want to lady!"

"What's going on?" A deep voice asked as they walked in.

"Sir, Ashton doesn't want to eat"

"Ill take care of him don't worry"

The nurse mumbled a thank you and walked out. Leaving the stranger and I alone.

"Ashton you have to eat. Please for me?"

Oh it was Luke.

"But I'm not hungry!"

"The Doctor said, that if you start eating and gain color back. You might be able to get out of here soon" He said as he placed a backpack on the chair.

"You're lying"


"Don't waste time! Give me my food!" I yelled at him, making him chuckle as he brought the table near me.

The food didn't look appetizing but was still good. I ate a lot, since I just wanted to get out of here, and go home.

I drank the sunny d, and sat back in my bed.

"Eating is a work out" I mumbled as Luke laughed.

My mom didn't come visit me, but I know her, she'll make up for it somehow. I forgive her, I know she's a busy woman. I'm not butthurt that she didn't come because of used to it. She loves me, I know she'll make up for it.

"Ashton Irwin?" The doctor asked as he walked in. I nodded a response.

"Dr. Smith. Anyways, Im here to announce that you are free to go. Luke has to fill out some forms. But I need to talk to you, make sure you keep your cuts clean. And don't carry heavy things because that will cause you more pain. Be much more careful with whatever you do. And that's it. Be careful son"

"Thank you doctor" I smiled. I got out of the bed, and headed towards the bathroom, and grabbed the bag Luke came in with.

"Hurry up babe! I wanna go home!" Luke whined.

"Hold your horses Hemmings!"

I closed the bathroom door, locking it shut. And looked at myself in the mirror.

"Fucking disgrace" I whispered and started changing. I took off the ugly hospital robe, leaving me naked. I hopped into the shower, cleaning my hair real quick along with my man parts and all.

I dried myself as I jumped out. I slipped on boxers, black skinny jeans and a Drop Dead crew neck. With my black vans. I ruffled my hair to the side, and walked out of the bathroom.

"Ready to go?" Luke asked.

"Yeah" I said, as he walked over to me, and grabbed my hand.

We walked out of the room, and waited at the lift pressing the button
" ↓" It beeped and the doors opened, we walked in and Luke pressed the one button.

"Thank you" Luke said as he filed out of the room, in which he was filling out papers.

"Free to go?" I asked him hopefully.

"Free to go!" He said grabbing my hand and running out of the hospital. He made it seem as if I were here for a year.

"We can go home and sleep now!" Luke smiled.

"Yeah, you can go home and rest. Just drop me off at my house"

"Are you crazy? I'm not leaving you alone again"

I nodded, and tilted my head onto the window. In a half hour I was going to be home. And on my bed. Thank god.

"Ash were here"

"Oh, that was fast"

"Wasn't it?"

I grinned and nodded. Happily jumping out of the car and ran to my front door. Opening it, I yelled out.


"Oh my god Ashton baby are you okay? What happened I came home and there was-"

She stopped once she saw my face expression turn from happy to disappointment. I really am a failure.

"I'm sorry Mum"

"Ill just be in the room if you need me" Luke mumbled running up the stairs.

"What are you sorry about?"

I folded my sleeves up and showed her, she gasped as tears came to her eyes.

"Oh my god honey, I'm so sorry. I've been such a bad mother. I haven been here enough for you-"

"Mum, it isn't your fault. Listen to me" She wouldn't look at me, she was crying too hard. "Mum look at me!"

She looked at me as I held her arms in my hands.

"It's not your fault okay. I know you love me. I just felt alone" I lied. I didn't feel alone, I have Luke. I felt hated.

"I'm so sorry honey. You have to stop doing this to yourself. You're a great person, and I'm not just saying that because I'm your mum. I'm saying the truth. I truly don't understand why anyone would hate you. Yes you like the same gender as you, but that's no need to get bullied. I'm going to have a talk with your teachers on Tuesday. I'll fix all of this don't worry"

"Mum you don't-"

"No don't you worry Ash, now go up there. Luke is waiting for you"

"I love you mum"

"I love you too Ash"

I wrote this while having Andy Biersack feels omf.

I'm at a friggin park watching my cousin play soccer. And my dad is forcing me to stay so I can't go to the car. And iM BEGGING HIM TO TAKE ME TO HOT TOPIC BUT HE DOESN'T WANT TO UGH.

So I can only update on the weekends bc of school :( I'm sorry guys, dads rules. But I will update if I'm done with homework.

So like no wifi no nothing on school days anD IT SUCKS BC I NEED MUSIC TO KEEP ME GOING.

I fucking love you all so so much. If I could give you all hugs I would!

Thank you for the 9K reads!

And I'm planning what Luke is going to do to Bruce so don't worry!


This is extremely long I'm sorry

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