Chapter 39

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Yo whaddup friends. Yes you, youre my friend bc youre hella rad. Its been so long. School is shitty tbh, but I hope you guys are okay, with school and your family and anything else that is usually a problem.

Ashton's P.O.V

"Ashton?" He said, crawling out from under the covers. Yes, under the covers. He was thin, too thin, he had big purple bags under his eyes. His face drooped, his skin was pale. His eyes were a dull blue, no longer showing the sparkle in his eyes. He looked horrible.

"Luke. What happened to you?" I asked as I neared him, and engulfed him in a hug. I kissed his head repeatedly. It felt as if he were going to break any minute now. I sat down on the bed, with him on my lap. Which was a first, im usually sitting on his lap.

"I missed you" He said pushing his head against my chest. I wrapped my arms around him, trying to keep his cold body warm.

"I missed you too" I whispered, not trusting my voice.

We spent about five minutes in silence, with him in my arms.



"Why didn't you tell me? I could've helped you"

"I didn't know I had a problem. I just thought it was a part of life you know? I thought it was normal"

"Being an alchoholic and drug addict is not normal"

"Im not a drug addict... or an alchoholic"

"Luke please don't lie. To yourself, or me"

"Im not lying!" He said jumping out of my arms, his eyes filled with anger.

"Luke calm down. Im sorry I said that, but its true"

"How could you believe all of that?!"

"I saw it with my eyes!"

"No you didn't!"

"You don't know that! Do you know what i've been doing the past two weeks? I've been in my room, hoping that you would come. Hoping that I'd be able to see you again. I visited your house to see everything was how you left it- jack daniel bottles on the floor, and you aren't even good at hiding things! You smelled like it before all of this happened! Stop lying to yourself!" I said tears brimming the edges of my eyes. He was in tears now too.

"Im sorry, im such an idiot" He sulked sitting in a corner of the room. His arms wrapped around his knees.

"You aren't an idiot Luke. You can get through this, we can get through this. I will visit you everyday and little by little, you're going to change. I have faith in you Luke" I said as I stood up, and walked towards him. Once again sitting him on my lap, this time his face was nudged into my neck.

"No matter what you do, yeah, I'll be there for you, and everytime you close your eyes, I will be by your side, 'cause everytime you make me sing, baby I will be your everything" I sang to him.

"I don't know why you're still my boyfriend, im a physco"

"No you aren't. You're perfectly fine.You just have some issues you have to get through. And im going to be here, by your side. You did the same to me, and now im doing the same to you. I love you Luke"

"I love you too Ashton" He said as our eyes made contact.

I grabbed his face, bringing it close to mine. Our lips brushed against each others, molding perfectly together. The familiar shock ran through my body, making me smile into the kiss. His touch never gets old.

"Can you stay here with me until I fall asleep?" He whispered.

"I'd be glad too" I said as I stood up with him still in my arms. I took off my shoes and got into bed with him. The bed was unsurprisinly comfortable.

Luke's head was pressed against my chest, as my back lay on the bed, and my arms were around him protectively.

"If I was able to stay here day and night, I would. The thought of you being alone here makes me terrified" I whispered.

"Its scary knowing that there are doctors staring at me through cameras, observing everything I do, watching me as I get worse everyday. They're probably surprised that I am even speaking right now. I haven't spoken to anyone, I haven't let anyone enter my room. I haven't eaten. I feel lost and empty"

"Luke babe, please don't do this to yourself. You have to eat, you can't beat yourself down. Im going to visit you everyday now, bring you food, and help you get better. Everything will turn out fine okay? Don't worry. You're not alone, you're with me" I said kissing his head once more.

He pressed his lips against mine, giving me a gentle kiss. And pulled away, placing his head on my chest again. I gently played with his hair, humming you be the anchor by mayday parade. (Yes I know that isnt the whole title, but its a "short-cut")

As soon as I felt his steady breathing, I sighed. Now I have to go home, and leave him alone until tomorrow morning.

I gently placed him on his pillow, placed the blanket over him, and kissed his head. And I silently left the room.



what do you prefer

The book or the movie


(its for a project thats due tomorrow and I started just now oops)

oh and chapter 31 got deleted on accident :(

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