Chapter 16

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Luke's P.O.V

From: Irwiecake

I miss you too Lukey :*

He's too adorable.

To: Irwiecake

You're too cute

No reply.

He must be doing something with his mom. I shouldn't be getting worried.

Twenty minutes later, he doesn't reply. This isn't like him, he's a fast texter. He replies as soon as he can, especially to me.

To: Irwiecake

Ashton? Babe? You there

Still no reply

To: Irwiecake

Ash! Babe you're scaring me!

Still no reply

I decided to go on Facebook to see if he's online, sure enough he was. I dialed his number, but he never picked up.

Damn you Ashton. I was taking my time to go back home so I wasn't far from his house. I should go check up on him, make sure he's alright.

I walked, and walked and walked. And finally got to his house. His mom wasn't home, she was probably at work so.

"ASHTON!" I yelled as I knocked on the door.

No reply. Not even footsteps.

"ASHTON IT'S LUKE OPEN UP!" I yelled again. I sighed, and looked for a spare key. Unfortunately they didn't have one.

I picked at the lock, with a stick, and got it to open. I sighed as I looked at the living room, nothing. I headed towards his room. Still nothing.

Where could he possibly be? Ugh. Ill just call his mom, I headed towards the kitchen to get the phone.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!" I yelled as I saw my lifeless boyfriend on the floor surrounded by blood and a knife.

Tears instantly flooded down my face.

I fumbled on getting my phone out, and dialed 911.

They answered immediately, and I told them the situation. Ambulance was here quick, and they took him right away. I wasn't allowed to go though.

"What the fuck!? He's my fucking boyfriend I should be allowed to go with him!" I shouted at the paramedic.

"Im sorry sir, but he lost a lot of blood, and we have to do test on him. You can't be in there with him at the moment. But you can meet him in the hospital"

"FUCK YOU!" I yelled as he left and drove away. I grabbed at my hair, and furiously tried drying the tears. But they wouldn't stop.

I'm going to find out whoever caused this. Whoever made him try to commit suicide. I'm going to kill the fucking bastard. Even if I have to kill the whole fucking school, I will.

Tate Langdon taught me well. But I'm not killing people because I like them, I'm killing them because of what they fucking caused Ashton to do.

I ran up to his room, and found his laptop opened on his bed. I hesitantly walked over to it, and looked at the screen.

He was logged onto Facebook. Dammit Ashton!

It was hate.

He was getting hate for dating me.

Hate for being fat?

He's fucking perfect what the fuck. I don't see any fat on him, and even if I did I'd still have him as my boyfriend.

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