Chapter 43

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Luke's P.O.V

So I was called to the main office again while I was heading to the gym, and here I am again. In the same leather chair, in front of a fancy looking desk. Surrounded by stupid diplomas, and what not.

"Okay Luke. We just want to ask you some questions. Some may be personal, but we'll only ask them if that's okay with you?"

"Yeah sure. Do what you want"

"What makes you angry the most?"

"When other people bully people"

"Why is that?"

"Because it shouldn't be done. Bullying is a crime, it isn't a joke. And it makes people want to commit suicide. The bullies don't realize that- they probably do though, maybe that's why they do it. Because they want other people to die. But I think it should stop. I hate bullies, I hate the word bullying I just can't stand it...But you know, some people choose to take it out on themselves, and others choose to take it out on the people around them. We're all bullies in the real world" I said sitting back in my chair.

"Okay. Next question"


"Do you care about the people you hang out with. Including your mum and dad?"

"Hell yes I do. I'd do anything for my friends, since they've been there for me since I was in grade school. Especially Ashton. I'd die for him. I love him a lot, and I care about him too. I love my mum more than anything in the world. She's a strong woman. But for my dad, I hate him. He's a coward"

"Why do you say he's a coward?"

"Because. He doesn't stand up for his own wife- ex-wife now. Including me. If he found out im gay, or bisexual or whatever I am, he'd kill me. No doubt. He doesn't want me to be into guys, he wants me to be into girls, into all of that shit. He wants to hear that I have a girlfriend, and in a couple of years- five maybe, he would probably like to hear, 'Hey dad! I'm getting married with this girl! And were having children' But I don't think that's ever going to happen, and he will shun me. Shun me from himself and his new family simply because I'm something he hates"

"Good answer" She nodded taking a few notes "How long have you hates your dad?"

"For a few years now. I told him when I was a kid, 'Dad. If I were ever to be into a guy, what would you do?' and he replied with, 'I would beat the living shit out of you. Don't you ever say that again you hear me?!' And I nodded and went back to playing with my toy cars. I was just a little kid. But he'd really beat the crap out of me. He's done it before. I don't think he's scared to do it again"

She nodded.

"Do you miss your friends?"



"Because they're my friends. And I hate this place"

"Why do you hate it here?"

"You guys have shitty food don't expect anyone here to enjoy staying"

"So if we had better food people would kind of enjoy being here?"

"It's all about the food"

"Okay that's it for today thanks"

Instead of the gym I headed down to the pool area. I went to the showers to clense myself and changed into some trunks

I was humming along to one of the songs my band wrote, Too Late, when something popped out of the pool scaring the shit out of me.

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