Chapter 50

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One Week Later

Ashton's P.O.V

My mum found out, about what I did that night of the party. She told me if i was trying to commit suicide. And I said, you call it a suicide, I call it a war, and I'm loosing the battle.

She listened to me, and she tried to understand me. I knew she couldn't, because I didn't understand myself. It was only an angst attack. Or I was just scared. Scared of what? I don't know.

I started going to school, sadly. Caspar and Brandy are a couple, and everyone still talks to me. But they say I'm not acting like the usual Ashton.

What am I supposed to say? 'Oh, I'm sorry, I just really want to relapse, hell, I want to fucking die. And I'm really fucking sad' No. You don't just go around saying these things.

It's Saturday, and all I can do is lay in my bed and cry. I don't know why I'm crying, I just really miss Luke. I want to feel his arms around me. I want to feel safe. I want him to tell me everything will be okay. Just one more week, and he'll be home. One more week. I can stay strong, I have to stay strong.

"Ash? Baby, are you okay?" My mums sweet voice whispered. She wasn't in my room, but I could tell her head was popping out from behind the door.

"Yeah mum, I'm okay"

"There's someone here to see you"

"Mum, I don't feel like talking to anyone"

"Okay, I'll tell him to come back later"

Thank you for being understanding. I sighed, and rubbed my eyes. I hope it wasn't noticeable that I was crying.

I flopped over to my side and stared at my wall in front of me.

I heard my door creak open and I rolled my eyes.

"Mum, please go away. I love you, but I need space" I groaned. Still not bothering to look at her.

I felt that person lay down on my bed, and wrap their arms around me. I furrowed my eyebrows, and turned around, only to be faced with the gorgeous blue eyes of my boyfriend.

"Luke?" I cried, nudging my head into his chest.

"Ashton, don't cry"

"You're here. In my room. On my bed. In my house. Out of the hospital" I cried, bringing him as close to me as possible.

"Of course, I told you I'd come home"

"You said two weeks"

"I wanted to surprise you"

"I love you so much" I said kissing his lips.

"I love you too. Have you been crying?"

"No" I sniffled, hiding in the crook of his neck.

"Yes you have. What was it?"

"It was nothing. Everything's all okay now, you're here and that's all that matters"

I felt his smile against my head, and he soon kissed it.

"Tell you what?" He replied.


"Why don't we go on a date?"

"Are you for reals?"

"Yeah. It's a bit rainy, but I'm taking you somewhere perfect for this weather" He smiled.

I got up, and grabbed some clothes and headed to the bathroom. There isn't anything better, than going on a date with your boyfriend who hasn't been able to be with you.

Luke's P.O.V

I grabbed my bag, and stuffed it into my cars trunk, along with blankets, pillows and food.

Ashton was in the front seat. We had already finished saying goodbye to our mums because we were going on a camping trip.

It's going to be a blast, just the two of us, in the mountains, in a cabin. This is what I've been waiting for, spending the time of my life with someone I love dearly. You only live once, so make every second divine.

I jumped into the car, and started the ignition. I smiled at Ashton, and he returned one back. I intertwined my fingers with his, and drove out of the driveway.

We talked, and caught up. Brandy is now dating Caspar which is more than fantastic. He told me that Caspar had forced him into kissing him, you could tell he was afraid that I would do something stupid to him right then and there but I didn't. He said sorry even though it wasn't his fault and I forgave him.

The sky was turning a darker gray, indicating it was going to rain harder. I smiled. Perfect. I drove onto the freeway, and continued on from there.

"I just feel complete when you're by my side" I sang to Ashton, as I turned to look at him. He blushed a deep red, I leant in to peck him, and I did. My eyes lingered on Ashton while he turned to look at the road.

"LUKE!" He yelled, his hand holding mine tightly, turning our knuckles white. I glanced at the road, and noticed we were on the wrong side of the road. A truck crashed into us, and everything went black.

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