Chapter 15

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WARNING: There will be triggering stuff, such as, self-harm. If you're sensitive to this, I suggest you don't read it. If you aren't sensitive to any of this, read on and enjoy but don't enjoy it? I don't even know.

|| Short Chapter Extremely Sorry ||

Ashton's P.O.V

"Mum Im home!"

"Oh hi honey. I'm going to be working until morning tonight so don't wait up for me! Dinners in the fridge! Bye honey" She said kissing my cheek as she rushed out of the door, locking it behind her.

"I'm not hungry" I mumbled as I headed up the stairs. My phone buzzed indicating I had a text message.

From: The bae :*

I miss you already :(

"Awe Luke" I cooed.

To: The bae :*

I miss you too Lukey :*

I smiled as I walked into my room. I closed the door, and sat on my bed grabbing my Mac from under the bed. I opened it up and logged onto Facebook.


The message popped up from the one and only Bruce.

You're so pathetic. I see that you're dating Luke now. Did you give him your aids?

Some random chick said to me. Why did I add these idiots.

I heard you have a thing for Luke. Don't get too excited, he's only playing with your emotions, you faggot.

Silly boy, falling for a jock like Luke Hemmings. Yes because he has a thing for you. Idiot.

Your life is going to be a living hell unless you break up with him. He doesn't want you! He wants me. He's fucking straight, he isn't a faggot. Kill yourself already.

The messages kept flooding in. I thought two thousand fourteen was going to be great but it's only the third day and I feel like dying.

Kill yourself already!

Swallow the pills, nobody will fucking care.

You're a faggot, I hope you die in hell.

My phone kept buzzing, probably messages from Luke, but I don't care. He doesn't love me, I'm just a joke.

You're a fatass why is Luke even dating you.

Loose weight! How can Luke choose you over me?! I weigh 79 you probably weigh 498.

The tears started streaming down my face.

Don't you fucking dare, Ashton. You can't do this to yourself! You've been two weeks clean! You can do this.

You don't deserve to live. You're a fucking faggot! You're the most hideous thing I've ever seen, how can god create someone like you and expect them to be loved? If you aren't thinking this yet, you're a joke. I hope you cut a vein.

That's it. I raced towards the kitchen, and grabbed a knife.

"I don't fucking deserve to live" I said to myself as I sliced my wrist. Blood poured out like a waterfall.

"I'm a joke" I said as I sliced my wrist deeply. More blood.

"I shouldn't be alive" Another one. My vision was getting blurry with tears. I could make out patches of black in my vision.

I didn't give a shit anymore, I sliced both my arms up, making sure they were all deep enough. There was probably about fifteen deep cuts on each arm, blood was surrounding me. It looked beautiful.

I slid down the cabinet, and onto the floor. Tears streamed down my face.

The red thick liquid slid down my arms, creating patterns on my wrists.

I hope I hit a vein.

I cut once more, and then everything went black.

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