Chapter 46

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Michael's P.O.V

I think that it was pretty stupid for Calum to break up with me. I mean, I only expressed my feelings. Aren't you supposed to be honest with your other half?

Yes, he is my other half. He understands me well. I love him, but I'm not even sure if he loves me anymore. I hate that Lucy chick. She's probably just like that freak Brandy who tried to get in between Ashton and Luke's relationship. And she won Ashton for like what? A day?

I sat on my couch watching The Walking Dead, when I got a text message. It was from Ashton.

Michael! You up? It said.

Yes I replied.

Meet me at the park near Niall's house. Wear comfortable clothes


Just do it


Who the hell wants to meet up at a park at freaking 10 pm at night. I swear to god he better have a good reason for interrupting my marathon.

I searched my closet for comfortable clothes. I chose out a black jumper, black skinny jeans, and brown leather boots. Yes, skinny jeans get comfortable when you wear them all the time.

I brushed my teeth, because I've been eating junk food for the whole day, and it's all probably stuck in my teeth. Whoever wants to hang with me, probably wouldn't want to talk to me with smelly breath.

I looked decent. Not handsome. But decent. I never really thought I was handsome you know, I'm just average. I'm not even as built as my friends, they have six packs and biceps, and I'm just here. Old potato Michael. My own boyfriend is hotter than me. Not surprised.

I walked the twenty minutes to the park near Niall's house, and texted Ashton. He texted back saying he was near the lake. I rolled my eyes, and walked around again, and towards the lake.

When I got there, I saw someone sitting on the grass. I sat down thinking it was Ashton.

"Hey. What do you want from me" I said bluntly.

"Michael?" I turned to look at the person only to see Calum under the dim lighting.

"Calum? What are you doing here?"

"Ashton said he would be right back..."

"Ashton asked me to hang out..."

"That bastard" We both simultaneously said, and we ended up laughing together.

"So..." He awkwardly said.

"What? Are we going to act like awkward twelve year olds who just got in a relationship?"

"You're right. I'm sorry"

"For what?"

"For being such a dick"

"You're still a dick"

"You're making this so much easier" He laughed bitterly.

"Sorry..." I mumbled.

"Do you really think I broke up with you because of Lucy?"

"What do you mean?"

"What if I broke up with you because is don't get the attention I deserve from you? You're always on your stupid game consoles and tv shows and you never even bother to actually ask me on a date. We haven't had a fucking first date!"

And that's when it hit me.

He was right. He is right. I just asked him out like that, I didn't even invite him on an actual date.

Wow. I'm such a fuck up. He did have a reason to break up with me after all. I deserve this shit. I don't deserve his love. I don't deserve him.

"Why didn't you tell me this before?" I mumbled with a frown while I stared at the dull green grass.

"I don't know... I was scared to how'd you react"

"Calum" I said looking up at him "I wouldn't get mad. Nor would I break up with you if that's what you thought i'd do. If you told me this sooner i'd try to be the best boyfriend I could've been. I love you, I'd do anything for you"

"You mean that?"

"Yes. Can I please get one more chance? I promise I won't screw this up. For us."

"Promise?" He held out his pinkie.

"Promise" I said locking my pinkie with his.

"So does this mean I get another chance?" I smiled hopefully.

"Yeah... It does" He smiled.

I grinned and attacked him with a bear hug.

"Thank you thank you thank you" I repeated over and over painting his face with kisses while he giggled uncontrollably underneath me.

"I love you" I finally said. Laying down next to him. 

"I love you too" He smiled snuggling into me. 

"C'mon lets go back to my place. Im pretty tired" 

"So am I" 

We gathered up our things, and walked the twenty minutes back to my house. I threw myself on my couch, and Calum soon followed afterwards. 

"Night Calum" I said kissing his head. 

"Night Michael" He replied kissing my lips. 


Guys I deleted Bulletproof Love again. 

Yes i am a crackhead.

But do not worry. 

I will be uploading a new story oOOOooooOOOPpppppppppppSssssSSS

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