Chapter 6

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Luke's P.O.V

"Why should we need to talk about Ashton?"

"It's a question. No need to be rude, but what is the real reason you hang out with Ashton?"

Weird, why does he care?

"If you think I'm going to say shit I feel bad for him. Well you're wrong. He's a pretty awesome guy, I don get why you bully him. Yes he may not like girls, but that's not a reason to treat someone like a piece of shit. He has many good qualities, you're just ignorant. Yes you may have asked me this question politely, but you are still a dick. Fuck you and Goodbye"

I walked away, like a boss. Not even bothering to look back. Fucking bastard.

I quickly left to my locker, and chose out my books for the next period, Maths.

I took my time, not exactly looking forward to class. There's no one interesting that I know in that class.

I wonder if Bruce is going after Ashton soon. I'm not leaving his side, no señor. I will be his protector.

Ashton, Ashton, Ashton. I could literally think about him all day. Since I have no one to talk to about him, oops, I forgot about Liam.

Liam James Payne, the one person I tell my secrets too. He's truthful and kind. We're both popular, but people think we're "bad boys" lol nope. We've never skipped school, ditched a class. Or bullied anyone. We think all of that is too immature. And we want to make it to college. We're such goody goodies. And we're both gay, every girl practically throws themselves towards us, it's funny actually.

And Liam has a crush on Niall. It's so cute, I ship Niam. That's right, I gave them a ship name.

Liam knows that I've had my eye on Ashton ever since he was a freshman. I was a sophomore at the time. Now I'm a junior and he's a sophomore.

He's so wonderful, he may be stubborn at times but I still love him, even if he doesn't know that I do. I will Forever and Always.

Sighing, I walked towards room 241, and opened the door.

"Mr. Hemmings, I am very disappointed, it's already an hour into the class. Why not just wait outside?" I groaned. I hate Maths anyway.

I sat on the floor with my back facing the wall, and my head thrown back. Currently staring at the ceiling. I took out my ray-bans and slipped them on.
Lucas... the too cool for school guy, Lucas the bad boy, Lucas the popular jock. They didn't seem to fit me.

Lucas Hemmings, the boy in love with a boy. The boy in love with music not football. The boy in love with guys not girls. The boy who is a virgin but isn't.
If that makes sense.

I took out a silver pen, slipping it between my fingers and pretended to "smoke" but I would never ever do that.

"Luke? What are you doing?" I turned to be faced with an angel, also known as Ashton Irwin.

"I don't know" I chuckled.

"Yeah? Okay" He doubled over in laughter, making me laugh along.

"So what are you doing out?" I asked.

"I had to go to the loo" He smiled.

"Did you piss yourself laughing at me?"

He just shook his head no, showing his dimples. I smiled at him, patting the spot next to me. He slid down the wall, and sat next to me.

"Thanks Luke"

"For what?"

"For being so nice to me"

"You're welcome babe"

Oh shit. Did I just call him that. Did I just say the word. Oh god, oh god.

I tried taking a glance but saw he had his head on his knee, as if trying to hide his face. I could slightly see his rosy colored cheeks.

"Stop" I practically heard the smile on his face.

"Stop what?" I smiled.

"Stop staring at me. Creep" He smiled.

I poked his side, making him let out a small yell.

I laughed, because it was adorable.

I poked him once again, making him shriek, and move away from me.

"Luke!" He laughed.

"Baby come back!" I joked.

"No" He pouted.

I would have melted if I weren't having such a good time. He's so adorable I can't stand it.

"You can blame it all on me" I whispered crawling to him.

"Get away from me" He laughed, and started to run away. I got up and started running after him.

"ASHTON. YOU CAN'T RUN FROM ME!" I yelled, as I was behind him. I heard his laugh echo through the hallways.


"You got it" I whispered.

I chased him, until we were at an abandoned part of the school. He thought I didn't seem him run into a janitors closet.

I looked around making sure no one was around, and quietly made my way to the janitors closet. I quickly opened it shutting it behind me.

"Found you" I said, as Ashton still tried hiding.

"You can't see me" He giggled.

I grabbed him, turning him around so that he was facing me. He froze, our faces were inches apart. I couldn't see all of his face since the light was slightly dimmed. But I caught a sight of his eyes, and beautiful lips.

"Caught you" I whispered.

"Yeah. Now what are you gonna do?"

I pinned him up to the wall, and stared into his eyes.

The fact that he was shorter than me, made it way easier for me.

"This" I whispered back.

I pressed my lips onto his, and kissed him. I waited for him to respond until he finally did. His lips were so soft and plump I could kiss him all day.

This feeling felt natural. I loved the sparks I got when I touched him. The electric feeling when our lips touched.

It felt as if I were in nirvana.

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QOTD; What do you want for Christmas?

Something realistic because, I want 5SOS but I can't afford them... haha. but yeah I want iTunes cards I guess.... and... a camera, the canon rebel t3i.

@2punkrock4you, hi hello pls update lol bye

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