Chapter 4 ~

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Ashton's P.O.V

He's playing dumb isn't he? He's pretending to not know. I thought he was nice, I should really learn to not trust people so easily.

Does he think I'm that stupid?

Wow, I can't believe it. I feel so betrayed even if I did know him for about 2 days. I thought he was better than that. But I should've expected it since he is one of them. Popular.

I shouldn't be thinking of this. It's just going to stress me out and make my day so much worse.

"Luke's just playing you because he feels sorry for you" 

"Also, he just wants a good grade on this project bullshit"

I sat next to a beautiful brunette. I hope she doesn't move onto a different desk.

"Hey Ashton" She smiled, turning to look at me.

"Uh hey" I nervously smiled. "Do I know you?"

"No you don't. I'm Brandyce. You don't see me around too much but I see you all the time" She smiled, her dimples showing.

"Oh cool.... I guess" I nervously chuckled. She just nodded her head.

We talked about a lot of things, we told each other corny jokes. Talked about the bully-ees. And told a little bit of information on each other.

She likes to draw, enjoys photography, loves to read.

How cool is she? We even have each other's numbers now.

"Alright class, there's something I have to deal with alone so you'll have to work on an English assignment without me. I've put it on the board, now carry on" He said grabbing his glasses and pushing up his nose, as he stared into his computer. He put in his headphones, he's a weird little dude.

I wonder where Luke is. Not that I care.

"So Ash, can I call you Ash?" She said propping herself on her desk with her arm.

"Yeah you can" I smiled at her showing her my dimples. Was she blushing? She's so beautiful.

Wait. I thought I was fully gay.... I guess not.

"And Brandyce, can I call you Brandy" I smiled again.

"Yeah you can" She smiled showing me her dimples.

Luke walked in. I turned around to pay attention to Brandy. I saw him looking at us from the corner of my eye.

This joke is not to be offensive, and if you are offended I'm truly sorry.

"Okay I have a joke for you" She said.


"Why did the blonde die raking leaves?" She smiled.

"I don't know why did she"

"Because she fell out of a tree"

We both burst out laughing making the class turn to our direction. Getting glares, Brandy and I laughed even harder.

"We should hang out more"

"We should" She replied.

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