Chapter 40

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Sorry for any errors! >.< sorry for the boring chapter also xD

Ashton's P.O.V

The next morning I woke up at 6 am. I showered, and changed waiting for it to be eight o 'clock. Visiting hours. I sat on my couch looking out of my window as rain poured.

I hope Luke slept well. I don't want to find out that he woke up in the middle of the night. alone, even though he knows I can't stay there.

"Ashton? What are you doing, shouldn't you be at school?" I heard my mums voice from behind me.

"Mum, can I please visit Luke until he's better and gets out of the hospital"


"Mum please! I want him to get better, and I want to be next to him every step of the way"

"Fine. Well, I've got to get to work. Drive safely!"

"Same to you" I said as I kissed her cheek. She smiled and left.

I sighed again, and looked at the time. Seven twenty.

I wonder what Luke likes to eat. He loves pizza, so I'll probably order a box and take that. Along with Arizona iced tea.

"Hey Luke" I smiled.

"Hey Ashton" He smiled back. I sat down at the small table, near a window. Today we were hanging out in the lounge room.

I placed the pizza and drinks on the table, and we dug in.

"So. How's school?"

"Well. We met a new guy, Caspar. He's South African, and he refers himself as the South African slut. He's a flirt, but I don't think he's actually slept with any guys or girls before" I chuckled. "And I think I might've gotten popular over the past few months. People ask about you constantly"

"A new friend. Can't wait to meet him!" He grinned. "And, what do you reply with"

"I say that you're on a trip with your mum, and that you won't be back for a while"

"Thank you for covering for me"

"It's okay. Anything for you" I smiled.

"I really hope I get out of here soon. You know I actually miss school, including football. Now that I mention it, I stopped playing after I started hanging out with you"

"I'm sorry I'm distracting" I giggled flipping invisible hair over my shoulder.

"Hmmm" He laughed. "I really want to get back into football though. I see that you have been working out, you look hot"

"Thank you. I was hard to exercise but it got easier"

"Yeah. Change can sometimes make a person better. Sometimes it doesn't"

I nodded. Clearly understanding what he meant.

~a day later~

[sorry for the time skip I'm desperate idek what I mean tbh]

So Luke and I have been wandering around the hospital, and turns out there's actually a gym here. Why would they have a fucking gym here? I don't know. So we've been working out, well, me standing there and watching Luke as he tries to lift weights.

It's cute and hilarious at the same time.

"You can do it babe" I encouraged.

His face scrunched up adorably while low grunts left his lips as he tried to lift the weight. After trying and trying he gave up.

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