Chapter 24

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I hate the fact that being "punk rock" has gone mainstream a bit. Now when people like bands i cant tell if they like that band because of 5sos tbh. This person I know, I wont name her because this other girl from school might be reading this and she might tell her. Im such an asshole oops and yeah but, she started liking Sleeping with Sirens because she saw Luke's post on instagram from a long while ago, it was of the song Postcards and Polaroids. AND SHE DOESNT EVEN LIKE THE MUSIC SHE JUST LIKES THEM BC OF LUKE. And then she started liking All Time Low, and Mayday Parade. AND LIKE NO YOU FEMALE DOG PLS GO AWAY.  And she stalked Calum so nOW SHE LIKES THE 1975 LIKE BYYEEEEEEE

If you like a band bc you think you have a better chance with a praying for you.

The song I listened to while writing all of this unessecary shit^^ and this chaptervv, to the side>>

Its "screamo" as some people describe it making it easier for other people to understand, so dont listen to it if you arent into that kind of music, unless you want to try something new, then listen to it. 

ben bruce is hot as hell like he has a lucky wife omdfkdsjoh

 sorry 4 the long intro bye for reals

Luke's P.O.V 

I smiled as I woke up naked next to my boyfriend, we both finally lost our virginitys to each other. I love him so much, I literally waited for him to three-four years. I stared at him patiently, studying his features. His body was in a peaceful state, his breathing was steady, he smiled once in a while. His eyes closed in concentrating. Its as if he were doing something that wasn't easy in his sleep. His hands were clapsed together by his face, and once again his eyes softened. 

He stired a bit in his sleep, and finally woke up. He put his arms out in front of him and stretched making a cute little face with his nose scrunched up. I chuckled lightly at my adorable boyfriend. His hair was a tad messy, and his face looked brighter than normal. His hazel green eyes shining as the morning light reflected off them with the thin white curtains. 

"Morning Babe" I smiled. 

"Morning Lukey" He said lying back down on his side. I chuckled again. 

"What?" He asked totally lost. 

"You're just so cute" I smiled grabbing his hand and kissing it. 

"And you're too" He smiled back poking my nose. 

"Lets get some breakfast!" I cheered as I got out of bed and quickly slipped on some boxers and basketball shorts -which aren't mine- and a vans t-shirt, quickly running out of the room, down the stairs, and stumbling into the kitchen to find Ashton's mum cooking. 

"Morning Luke" She smiled warmly. 

"Oh morning Mrs. Irwin. Didn't know you were here already" I smiled hoping she wasn't here last night. 

"Oh yeah, just got back a few hours ago. I felt the need to cook you guys breakfast" She shrugged. 

"Oh, well thank you very much. Im starving" I said finally noticing the bacon and toast. 

"I knew you'd be starving" She winked. I chuckled. "Sit down and eat up!" She said handing me a plate, and some orange juice. 

"Where's Ashton?" She asked. 

"Um, probably getting ready or taking a shower" I said not knowing what he was doing. I hope his mum doesn't wash his sheets though.

"Seems like you guys had fun last night" She winked. I chocked on my toast. 

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