Chapter 22

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[Not Edited ;)]

Ashton's P.O.V

I was shocked as my mum and I entered Heaven. Just kidding, we entered Hot Topic. We've been here for about an hour and she doesn't have any bags with her. Well she does but they aren't hers, they're mine.


"Yes honey?"

"Why are we shopping... for me?"

"Because I want to have a mother, son, bonding moment"

"Okay?" I said, which made her laugh.

"Ooh! What about this?" She asked as she held up a sweater. It was a bring me one.

"I like it" I smiled grabbing it from her, I walked around the store some more. And she decided i'd buy that and we could go to Forever21.

She bought me this sweater, which was black from the middle and the sleeves were some kind of tribal print. [ ->]

I bought black skinny jeans, and we left Forever. Haha, get it? forever21, so we left... forever. I'm so bad at jokes wow shocker.

"You need new shoes"

"No I don't"

"Honey yes you do" She said looking at my shoes with a disgusted face.

"Alright. Alright. You're like those ladies in those fashion shoes. Bossy and sassy"

"Honey please. Now c'mon"

"Proves my point" I said pointing at her. She rolled her eyes and walked into the vans shoe store.

"What about these?"

"They don't match with anything I wear"

"What about these??" She held out some pink cheetah print ones.

"Mom. I'm gay, but I would never wear those" I said with a disgusted look. She burst out laughing, and put them away. She kept on looking for the right pair of shoes while I walked around the store, I picked out a nice black beanie, with the logo and the year the store started and what not.

"C'mon let's go"

"But I didn't pick out my shoes"

"I did"

"Please don't tell me they're cheetah neon colored vans"

"Just wait and see"


"Have fun honey. I won't be back until tomorrow morning. And you look great!" She said kissing my cheek. And headed to the door. "I hate work" I heard her mutter under her breath.

I sighed and slumped myself on the couch when I heard the door slam shut.

I'm already ready, with nothing to do.

I sighed again, rather loudly this time.

"When will my husband come from the war?" I mocked looking at the ceiling fan sympathetically.

I took out my phone, which was gladly at 100% and blasted Man Overboard.

"I don't know how old I am. I don't know if I'm grown up. I feel good when I hold your hand. But when you're gone It's never good enough" I sang along, tapping my feet on the carpeted floor, and tapping my hands on my thighs, as Man Overboard blasted through my headphones.

My phone buzzed in my hands, I looked at it and saw that it was a text from Luke.

Bae :* :

[forgive me bc I forgot his c/name..again]

Babe I'm outside. Don't take long :*

It would've been much more romantic if he came to my door.

I sighed and stood up, looking at myself in the mirror I fixed my hair and straightened my clothes out right before opening the door.

I smiled as I saw Luke on my front steps, roses in hands.

"For you" He smiled, I threw myself in his arms and kissed him.

"They're beautiful, and they smell wonderful"

"They do, don't they?" He paused and looked at me, biting his lip "You look hot"

"Thanks" I said rolling my eyes, I placed the flowers in a vase near my door, and locked it behind me. We walked hand in hand to his car, he opened the door for me and closed it.

"So where are we eating?" I asked once he was in the car.

"A restaurant"

"Which restaurant"

"Babe it's just a restaurant. Do you need to ask so many questions" He laughed.

"I'm sorry! But this is like the first proper date we've had. I don't know" I laughed as I shrugged.

"What? Are you saying you don't like this date? Your mum planned it out by the way"

"No, we haven't even started the date, but I can tell I'm going to like it" I smiled.

"And why is that"

"Because I'm going to be spending it with you"

"Were here!" He smiled as we walked up the lady. I chuckled and looked at him.

"Uh, reservations for Luke Hemmings"

"Oh yes, right this way" She kindly smiled at us, walking us into the restaurant, and into a booth. Luke sat across from me. I stared around at the beauty of the place.

"Wow. It's so beautiful"

"It is, all thanks to your mom"

I smiled. "She didn't have to go through all of this"

"You're right. We can make it up to her, for now let's talk about you"

We spent the whole night talking and feeding each other food, Luke would make cheesy comments which would make me burst out in laughter. It was such a good dinner.

"Look at the stars, aren't they beautiful" I said admiring the beautiful view. We were currently walking on a boardwalk, the beach ten feet away from us.

"They are. This night is basically beautiful"

"Yeah it is"

He leaned down to kiss me, he brushed our lips, and then fully kissed me. The sparks exploded once again. It first went slow, but then started to get heated.

He grabbed my ass, and pushed me up, which made me wrap my legs around his waist. A moaned escaped my mouth which gave him the excuse to push his tongue into my mouth. He roamed my mouth, as I tangled my hands in his hair. I ended up rubbing my bulge into him, which made him hard.

I gasped away breathing for air, as he kissed my neck, I nibbled on his earlobe and licked it.

"I can't handle this" He breathed out.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"We need to get to your house now. Before I fuck you shitless in front of all these people"

He grabbed me and carried me away, not giving me time to jump onto the floor. I smirked as he threw me in my seat, and rushed his way over to his door.

He turned on the car and sped out of the parking lot. I could see his hard-on. I smirked more and palmed him.

"F-fuck you" He moaned still trying to focus on the road.

"Don't worry" I replied seductively, and sat back in my seat. Enjoying the view of him getting turned on by one single touch.

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