Chapter 48

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Ashton's P.O.V

Yesterday night went incredibly well for Niall and Liam, they had fun in my backyard, and they had even more fun when they got back to Liam's place if you know what I mean.

Today I was invited to a party, which was being held somewhere in a club.

And I am currently in the mall, alone, looking for party-like clothes. I only wear band t-shirts, and converse. But clothes from Forever21 won't hurt... Right?


The music is so weird, and they have these skinny ass things that look like skeletons. Mannequins. They don't even look like human beings, and the clothes they put on them. Wow. You're so inspirational.

But I did find some good clothes. A white button up, black skinny jeans, brown boots, and another fedora. This one was stylish though. And I grabbed a black bow-tie to go with it. (Ashton pls wear this irl omfg)

I payed the lady behind the counter and left. I walked past Hot Topic, and was forced to ignore it. I can't believe I can't visit my own home.

God dammit, two more hours for the fucking party to start. What shall I do to kill time?

"Sneak into the hospital and visit

Luke " I laughed to myself. "I don't think so"

But that isn't a bad idea actually. I could do it, I could dress up, get a fake name, and bam.

I straightened my hair, and moved it to the side, gentlemen style. I wore an ugly sweater vest above a long sleeved button up, and kept my black skinny jeans on. I placed my big prescription glasses on, and I don't mean to be cocky, but I can pull off glasses.

I grinned, and walked out of my room. I grabbed my car keys, and drove off to the hospital while singing along to a bit of Ghost Town.

After a couple minutes of driving, I arrived at the hospital. I looked at myself in the mirror, and fixed my hair again. I walked out with my heart beating fast, it felt as if it were about to pop out of my chest.

I took a long sigh, and blew out some air.

You can do this

I repeated over and over.

The lady behind the counter didn't bother to look at me, so I kept going. I hopped onto the elevator, and pressed the number Luke was on.

"Good Afternoon sir, who are you here to see today?" Another lady asked. I smiled.

"Erm, Luke Hemmings"

"Oh yes. May I get your name?"

"A- Calum Hood"

"Oh. You've never been here have you? All we've gotten was Ashton Irwin and Liam Payne, including Mrs. Hemmings. He doesn't have many friends does he? Poor little guy"

He has more than enough friends.

"Yeah. Well, look at me. He hangs out with a nerd like me, how will he have friends?"

"I understand. Teenagers and their labels these days"

"Yeah" I agreed. She gave me a visitors sticker, and opened the doors for me. I waved at her and made my way into the gates.

I looked around the lounge area to see if he was here, nothing. He has to be in his room.

I walked, which seemed like forever, but after a couple of minutes I was standing in front of the metallic door.

"Luke?" I knocked. I heard his feet shuffling fast, and the door opened to show a very happy Luke. His expression changed from happy to confused.


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