Chapter 5

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Luke's P.O.V

I saw the way she made him laugh. How much of a good time they were having- in English class too! I mean who has fun in English class? Haha...ha

Oh what am I saying? We practically have a free period when it comes to English. Of course it's fun. I sighed.

Think Lucas, think!

And then I got it, an epiphany!

"Hey Ashton?" He turned around, looking annoyed, "Don't we have to work on the project?" I asked him.

He turned around to tell Brandy, while he was gathering his stuff, Brandy shot a glare at me. While I just sat back, smirking.

"Okay, so tell me about yourself" He asked me actually looking forward to it.

"Lucas Robert Hemmings is my full name. I am captain of the football team (not futbol nor soccer for the confused ones) I sing and play the guitar. I love penguins and I'm in a band" I proudly stated.

"You're in a band?" He asked quite shocked.

"Yeah" I chuckled "Now tell me about yourself"


"My full name is Ashton Fletcher Irwin, I play the drums and sing. I like bands, any kind really" He winked. He winked. MAY I REPEAT HE WINKED. Calm down Luke, it probably meant nothing after all. "And I'm a pretty boring person. You'll also have to sing to me"

"I happen to think that you are very intriguing. And no, I will not sing to you"

"Thank you but No. And I'll sing to you if you sing to me"

"How can I resist you Ashton darling?" He laughed at my posh talking, sending shivers down my spine. It's amazing what this boy does to me.

He's so fascinating, all I want to do is lay in bed, with him in my arms. Singing to him. Letting him know he's safe... cared for... and wanted. He should know that there's people who love him. But I don't think there's anyone else who likes him as much as I do.

"Lukey! Lukey!" Ashton whispered and giggled waving his hands in my face.

You know, I hate it when people call me Lukey. I confront them and tell them how annoying it is. But coming from Ashton. It sounds so cute and adorable and he makes me feel special. I'm such a girl wow.

"I'm here Ash" I laughed.

"Oh thank god, I thought you died with your eyes open. It was starting to get a bit creepy, on how you stare at me mate" He laughed.

"Sorry" I chuckled.

"Alright class. That's the end. See you tomorrow"

Everyone packed up and left the class, leaving Ashton and I.

"Hey Ashton?..."


"Why were you so rude a few hours ago?" I asked in the nicest way possible.

"A stupid reason. I've moved on from it. I do think we can be friends. Sorry for being such a prick" He slightly smiled.

"It's okay. As long as you stay my friend, you're forgiven"

"Thanks mate" He smiled showing his dimples off.

"See you at lunch"

"See ya" And he walked off.

"Hey Luke... we need to talk"

I recognize this voice.

"What about?" I asked angrily.



Thank you so much for the 2.3K reads on this story!

Also I will be dedicating chapters to the people who comment wonderful things!

I love and appreciate every comment I get!

I love you guys so much

k bye

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