Chapter 45

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Ashton's P.O.V

Hey Niall, I'm downstairs as in, I'm in your driveway. Come open the door!

I texted him. He read it, and a few minutes later he was opening the front door.

"What is up with you?" I asked.

He had dark bags under his eyes, his hair was disheveled, his clothes looked dirty, and his eyes looked dull.

"I don't know" He said bluntly.

"Can I come in?"


We walked up the stairs and to his room. Which was surprisingly clean. I laid down on his bed, and he laid down next to me.

"...Liam told me he loves me" He finally said breaking the silence.


"I don't know if I love him or not"

"You've been having a crush on him since freshman year and you finally get to date him, and now you aren't even sure if you love the guy. Niall what's wrong?!"

"You're right. I don't know. I'm scared of getting hurt..."

"I can guarantee you that Liam won't hurt you. He's a nice lad, and he's sweet. He would never hurt you"

"You think so?"

"I know so"

"Thanks Ash"

"No worries! Now, let's get you cleaned up"


"No reason. You just look like a pig"

"You little shit"

"It's the truth okay? Now go shower you cunt!"

"Go to hell Ash"

"Don't tell me what to do" I said running out of his room. When I finally reached the kitchen, I smiled. I rummaged through the cabinets looking for popcorn, candy, and soda. I ended up having to call the pizza place.

Thirty minutes later they were here.

"Pizza delivery for Ashton?" The man said whilst looking at the receipt.

"Yeah. Hold up" I said rushing up the stairs. Thank god Niall was still in the shower. I took twenty pounds from his wallet and rushed down the stairs. I paid the guy telling him to keep the change and I grabbed two cokes from the fridge.

"Niall! Hurry up!"

After I yelled that, I heard the shower turning off, and the curtain being pulled back.

"I smell pizza!"

"I don't share" I grinned taking a bite.

"Get out of my house"

"Your mums house"

He rolled his eyes, and grabbed a piece.

"Soooooo, have you heard about Michael and Calum?"

"No... Should I be scared?"

"Kind of..."

"Go on"

"So, there's this girl. Lucy. And Calum has been spending a lot of time with her. Michael got pretty jealous, and he told Calum how he felt about all of this, and Calum got mad, so he broke it off with Michael"

"God dammit Calum! I don't go to school and all of this shit happens!?" I said angrily grabbing my cell phone, I dialed Calum's number and waited for him to answer.

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