Chapter 42

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Ashton's P.O.V

So before I left the hospital, they told me I had a restraining order for two weeks and I went ballistic.

Two weeks away from Luke.

TWO fucking WEEKS.

Only because I spent the night.

Cough bastards cough.

I'm really upset that. I mean ugh I can't even. Fuck this shit. I'm just going to get through this all, because when you're happy, everything passes by fast. I just hope Luke stays active and shows the doctors that he isn't crazy, and that he can handle his anger you know?


Ayy Ashton. I was thinking that we could hang out tonight?

I literally had nothing to do. So why not ?

To Caspar😏:

Yeah sure (: where to??


To a movie and afterwards a bowling place?

To Caspar😏:

Sounds great, meet me at my house!

Read at 6.09✔️

I KID YOU NOT! Five minutes later he was here. I don't even know, I mean, I don't. He probably has powers because he literally lives an hour away. Oh my fucking god don't tell me he was fucking stalking me. I am scared.

"Hey Ashton!"

"Hey" I said confused.

"Oh I was just strolling around the neighborhood. Sight seeing. You know, the usual" He grinned. "So, how bout' that date"

"I have a-"

"C'mon! It's going to be afternoon soon"

After we chose out our movie, and grabbed the tickets we walked into the movie theatre, which was filled with many people as always. Little kids anxiously waited for their popcorn and candy, and inappropriate teenagers made-out, some adults scowling, and others not giving a shit.

"What movie are we going to watch again? Is it that one with that talking snow man thing?"

"Frozen" Caspar chuckled. "Were going to watch Frozen"

"Oh that's what it's called. You know it doesn't catch my attention. It seems pretty boring"

"You know I think it seems wonderful- even though I haven't watched it but we have to give thing chances you know?" He laughed. I nodded and looked at the candy, sour patch watermelon, the bae.

"Okay I'm paying" I added.

"No. I invited I pay"


Was all I got to choke out before he pushed me to the side, and asked the lady for the food he wanted. Including my sour patch watermelon. And payed.

"You're a bastard"

"I know" He said as he skipped ahead of me.

I wanted to laugh, and skip after him, but all I could think of is Luke. What would Luke think were doing if he knew? What if he gets mad? All these questions were circling my head, and it only made me want to ditch Caspar and go home. Caspar isn't a bad guy, but I'm just not feeling the need to hang out you know?

"Ashton c'mon! The movies going start!"

I sighed and started speed walking until I got to the room, that said "FROZEN" in big red letters.

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