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"Hey buddy." The bartender said to Kai. Kai rose a brow and he nodded at Grayson. "No kids in a bar."

Kai rolled his eyes. "He's not going to drink anything."

The bartender threw the cloth over his shoulder, placing his hands on the bar. "No kids, so I'm going to have to ask you all to leave."

"Oh come on now Darren." A familiar voice said, appearing from behind the bar as well. He sent a smile which sent a chill down my spine. Kai brought Grayson closer to his chest and his hand reached out for mine and I took it.

"Blonde." Klaus said, sending a strange look in our direction. I shook my head.

Stefan stood in front and held up his hands. "We don't want any trouble."

"Don't want any trouble." Klaus repeated, walking around the bar. His eyes glanced in my direction but I looked away. He approached us and stood in front of Stefan, only inches keeping them a part. There was a pause for a few moments and everyone in bar had stopped in their own lives to watch.

Then Klaus spoke again. "What would our guests like to drink?" He smiled with an eyebrow raised as he looked at us all.


"Since when do you start drinking bourbon?" Stefan asked Kai, when Klaus left to get the rest of our drinks.

Kai circled the top of his glass and shrugged. "Ever since I've lived under the same roof as Damon, he stashes bottles everywhere."

Stefan nodded in agreement, because Damon kept bottles scattered around the house and had he been human, he would've drank himself to death already. "Do you think he's going to poison me?" Kai asked me in a hushed tone.

I rose a brow. "I wouldn't put it pass him not to try."

Kai hummed. "I'd try and kill me." He uttered before he downed the glass. My eyes widened and I grabbed his arm.


"Relax." He said then coughed. I rose my eyebrows and he shook his head. "I'm fine."

"For now." I mumbled and he kissed my cheek just as Klaus arrived back with the other drinks.

He set down my glass in front of me and I thanked him. Klaus smiled back and took his seat opposite Kai and I, beside Stefan.

"And even a drink for the little one." Klaus beamed at Grayson, putting a glass of blood down. He rested his head on his folded fingers and watched Grayson with joy in his eyes.

I smiled. "Thank you Nik." I said then paused as my face dropped in realisation.

Kai lifted up his head and Klaus rose a brow but his smile grew. "Well that's a name I haven't heard in a while." His eyes darted to Kai who scowled, holding his glass tighter in his hand. "Do tell me." Klaus rose a brow. "How has your trip down memory lane been my dear?"

"Unforgettable." I said and he just smiled.

"Freya mentioned that the effects should be almost complete by now." He said. "So i presume that your mind must be very cluttered."

I didn't reply because it was true. At times I found myself confusing memories with Kol with Kai and it only hurt Kai's feelings when I spoke about these memories, thinking he was there instead of Kol.

"Anyways." Klaus moved his hands onto his lap and we all looked at him. "I forget to ask, what brings you all to my town." He took a sip of his drink with his eyes on us all. "It's not every day a Parker and Salvatore wondering into New Orleans, let alone an old friend." He sent me a wink and I looked away, letting Grayson take a hold of my finger with his hand.

On The Run With Him: Kai Parker Where stories live. Discover now