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"I still can't believe Damon could do something like that." I said, looking over at Kai from the window. He lifted up his sunglasses and shrugged.

"Love makes you do irrational things." He replied, dropping his sunglasses and putting his eyes on the road. "I would know."

I decided to not ask him about that last remark and instead checked on Grayson. He was fast asleep in his car seat.

"Would you do that if it were me?"

Kai sighed. "We have Gray, so no."

"If we didn't have Gray."

He pondered for a moment. "If I couldn't figure a loop hole then probably."

I smiled slightly. "Likewise Malachai." I said. "I hope Stefan is feeling better."

"He seemed in a better mood at the hotel."

I nodded and heard my phone ring. "It's Bonnie." I said when I saw her name appear. I picked up my phone and answered. "Bonnie, hey."

"Riley, I'm so glad you answered I really needed someone to speak to."

"What's happened?"

"Damon, did Stefan tell you-"

"Oh." I said. "Yeah I found out this morning, he wrote Stefan and i a letter."

"Yeah I got one too." She said in a sad voice, "I can't help but feel responsible, it's my fault he's doing this to himself."

"Bonnie it's not your fault, it's-" I stopped myself and saw Kai looking at me. I looked away. "There's nothing you could've have done and you know how stubborn Damon is."

"I supposed." She sighed. "It just hurts, everyone is gone."

I felt bad for her. "Grayson and I will visit you soon Bonnie, I'm sure he misses you."

"I miss him." She sounded happier. "And that would be nice, I haven't seen you in forever Riley."

Bonnie and I spoke for a little while longer before the call came to an end. I put my phone aside and rested my head on the car seat.

I stared at the bright blue sky. "You could've said it's my fault."

I looked over at Kai, his eyes remained on the road. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"I put that spell on Elena and Bonnie, it's my fault her and Damon are laying in boxes with one another." He had no remorse in his voice. He tilt his head. "I know what I've done and I couldn't careless." His words were harsh and I gave a small nod, having nothing to say. Kai took off his sunglasses and sent me a smirk. "Don't fool yourself into thinking you're in love a hero, Ri."

"I'm not." I said in a small voice. When Kai spoke like that it also made me uncomfortable but I had to remind myself it was his true colours, the part that was buried underneath anything good about him. "We've had this conservation many times."

He gave a fake smile. "Just like to remind you Ri." He leaned in and kissed my cheek, before turning his attention back to the road. "Love you."

I put my hand on the cheek he kissed and sank a little in my seat. "Love you too."


"Is there a reason you're sitting alone all by yourself?" I lifted my head up to see a handsome man in front of me.

I sighed. "Turns out when a man saying 'don't worry we're just friends' it's all a big lie." He rose a brow and waved my hand in the direction of my supposed boyfriend dancing with his 'friend'.

He followed where I was referring to then turned back to look at me. He had sympathy on his face. "Such a beautiful woman like you isn't worth his time anyway. I blushed slightly and he smiled when he saw it. "Where are my manners?"

He adjusted his blazer and held out his hand. "May I have this dance?"

I smiled at his politeness and accepted his hand. I rose to my feet and he brought my hand to his lips to kiss softly. My smile only grew and we walked onto the dance floor. His arm wrapped around my waist and I put my hand on his shoulder.

I inhaled a sharp breath and followed his lead, my eyes falling down to my feet to make sure I didn't step on his toes. "Sorry, I'm not the best dancer."

He chuckled and shook his head. "You're perfect." With that he spun me and I felt myself blush once more. Our eyes locked and he leaned in to break the distance between us, while we danced.

"What brings a beautiful young lady, like yourself, here tonight?"

"My aunty helped organise the event." I said, glancing over at her. She was busy speaking into her phone. "And yourself."

"My family is hosting."

My eyebrows rose. "You're a Mikaelson?"

He nodded. "Kol, Kol Mikaelson." He spun me again but this time I managed to keep my balance and was soon met with his eyes again.

I smiled. "Raquel, Raquel Collins."

"Ri." I hummed and opened my eyes. I rubbed my eyes and looked at Kai.

"Are we already in Australia?"

Kai shook his head. "No, but you were talking in your sleep."

"What did I say?"

"I couldn't make any of it out." He told me. I felt relieved.

"I'm going to wash my face." I undid my belt, since it was safe to, and rose my feet. Kai grabbed my hand and I stopped, looking down at him.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded quickly and took my hand. "Are you sure?"

Kai stared at me. I nodded again. "I'm fine." He released my hand and I made my way into the restroom. I closed the door and held the sink, staring at my reflection.

"Ric." I called, he jumped a little from startle. Ric looked at me. "I'm sorry-"

"Don't." He interrupted, shutting the boot of his car. "Riley, don't give me your sympathy."

"But Jo was-"

"She was my fiancé and the mother of my children!" He snapped, his voice shaking. "And now she's gone thanks to your boyfriend."

"I didn't-"

"Of course you didn't." Ric said and shrugged. "But at least you got your boyfriend back, it doesn't matter who else was lost on the way."

A tear slipped out of my eye and I took a step closer. "Ric, i-"

"Please Riley." Ric said. "Please just don't." He got into his car. I sighed, watching him drive off and disappear into the darkness.

"I'm sorry." I said, even though he couldn't hear me.

I shut my eyes for a moment and shook that memory away. I opened my eyes and splashed some water on my face as if that would wash away the memories. No surprise but it didn't, I stared at my wet face, watching a couple of droplets run down my cheeks. I titled my head and let out a breath.

"What are you doing?" I mouthed to my reflection. I didn't speak because I had a feeling Kai was listening in. "What are you doing Raquel?"


A.N -

- New chapter, apologises it took so long but hope you still like it.

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