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"Grayson." I lightly slapped his hand. "Don't eat sand." He glared, making my brows raise. "If you don't want to go home, you'll stop glaring at me."

Grayson continued to glare, picking up sand and chucking it at me before running off. I gasped, relieved it only went in my top and not on my face. Kai laughed, while I brushed the sand off my bikini top. I looked at him. "Would it bad to murder a three year old?"

He shrugged. "I tried something like it, only got me stuck in a prison world for nearly twenty years."

"Guess, I'll pass on that idea." I replied. Kai grinned. "Well, he's not getting a toy anymore."

Kai laughed, moving behind me and rubbed my shoulders. "Just try to relax, Ri. You're tensed."

I sighed in comfort but realised something and turned around to look at Kai. "Why am I getting a feeling this is more for your pleasure than mine?"

It was fairly busy at the beach and I enjoyed watching Grayson play with some other children. I made sure to keep my eye on him because he didn't realise his own strength or his temper.

"Just enjoy the massage, Ri." He said. I laughed and moved my hair so Kai could rub my neck. "How does this feel?" I nodded.

"Very nice. How'd you get good at this?" I asked, he shrugged and I rested my body against his.

"Ri, did you put on sun cream?"

I rolled my eyes. "We don't need sun cream." I reminded. "I only made Gray put on some so he didn't feel different."

"But surely it'll look normal for you to be wearing some." He pointed out.

I shrugged. "Can't argue with that logic can I?" Kai smiled. "But keep an eye on Grayson."

"Of course." Kai glanced from me to where Grayson was. "He's fine."

I looked at Grayson who was building sand castles with two children. I laid down on the towel but made sure I could still see Grayson. Kai squeezed the sun cream onto my back and I shuddered a little, since it was a cold. I rested my head down on my folded arms.

"Kai's." He read out. "I'm happy you didn't get rid of that, Ri."

"That was a good day." Kai said, rubbing the sun cream into my shoulders. "Life was simpler then."

I hummed. "It was." I glanced over at Grayson. "But life is better with Gray."

Kai looked to him and grinned. "Yeah, he's a cool kid."

"Since he's mine."

"Ri, he's only great because of me."

"Malachai, shut up." I said, he laughed and I felt him kiss my shoulder. I opened my mouth to speak again when I was interrupted by a woman's voice.

"Excuse me." I sat up, adjusting my top and looked at the woman as did Kai. She had Grayson's hand in hers and a crying daughter in the other. She did not seem pleased. "Is this your son?"

I looked at Grayson then the woman. "Yes." I took his hand and brought him over to me. He didn't seem fazed at all. "What's wrong?"

"Tell the woman what he did, honey." She said to her daughter who was rubbing her eyes.

"He ruined my sandcastle and put sand in my eyes." She said and my eyes doubled in size.

I looked at Grayson. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

"She said mine was rubbish." He argued. I heard Kai snort a laugh and shook my head.

"Apologise, that's not a nice thing to do."

Grayson sighed but turned around to face the little girl. "Sorry." He mumbled looking down at his feet.

"Lift you head up and say it properly." I told Grayson in a stern voice.

He huffed but lifted up his head. "I'm sorry." He said and awkwardly hugged the little girl.

The woman nodded in approval and the little girl seemed a little better. "Thank you." She said, before walking away with her daughter.

Kai and I looked at him. "Don't do that Grayson, it's dangerous." He just nodded and I nudged Kai's arm.

"Yeah don't do that." Kai added on but he was grinning. "Let's go in the water."

Grayson nodded. "Yeah!"

"Best behaviour." I told Grayson, he nodded and I smiled. "Good boy."

Kai and I stood up and he scooped Grayson up in his arms. Grayson laughed as did Kai. I followed behind them and Kai sat Grayson on his shoulders.

"How about a bet, Ri?"

I raised a brow but nodded. "I'm listening, Malachai."

Kai smirked. "Another water balloon fight." I sighed but nodded him on. "If I win, we eat cake by the ocean again."

I rolled my eyes. "I knew, I shouldn't had introduced that song to you."

"What's cake by the ocean?" Grayson wondered, my eyes widened and Kai tried not to laugh.

"It's just a silly saying." I explained, trying to not laugh myself.

"I want cake." Grayson said, looking at me. Kai put him down in the water since it was shallow. "Mummy can we get cake?"

"Later, Grayson."

"Okay." He said, going back to the water. Him and Kai splashed the water at each other. I smiled. Kai laughed, flicking his wrist so a wave of water hit me from behind.

I gasped, my hand on my back as I glared. I did the same to him and he flinched from the cold water on his back. He rose a brow and I felt a bigger wave of water hit me, I stood back up and frowned. Kai and Grayson laughed at me while I moved my hair from my face.

"Malachai." I said, pointing at Kai. He smirked. "You're dead."

"Too late for that."

"Don't test me, Malachai."


I interrupted him, flicking water in his face. His jaw dropped and I smiled innocently. "What was that Malachai?"

Kai shook his head, Grayson was far too fascinated in the water to pay attention.

"Ri, this means war."

"This means another bet."

He smirked, nodding. "Exactly, so rules Ri."

"I win, then you get a new tattoo."

Kai smirked. "You read my mind because if I win then you're getting a new tattoo."

I shrugged and nodded, holding out my hand. Kai shook it. "Ri, I believe that's a deal."

"That it is Malachai." I replied, grinning at his smirk. "I'm looking forward to winning."

He rolled his eyes. "We both know I'll win. I always win, that's just the rules."

I winked. "All rules were made to be broken."


A.N -

- New chapter, hope you all enjoy it.

- Peace.

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