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"Put that down." Elijah told Kai with a scowl.

Kai held up the object in his hands, with a smile. "I like this." He said, looking at it. "It's pretty cool, Ri we should get one."

"How old is he?" Freya asked me.

"Technically, he's in his forties but he acts five at times." I told her, shrugging a little. She chuckled and we heard a smash.

"Whoops." Kai said, seeing the decoration now smashed on the floor. Elijah, Klaus and Kol just glared. "My bad." He added, holding up his hands. "Call it karma for kidnapping my son."

I just shook my head but held my son closer to my chest. He was asleep, he had been playing with Hope. When Kai and I arrived in New Orleans, Grayson was unharmed but that didn't stop me slapping Kol's face.

"Just sit down." Elijah told Kai as if he were a child.

Kai rolled his eyes, like a child, but did sit down opposite me. "I told you to just run as soon as we had Gray." He uttered, though the originals heard.

"A deal is a deal." Klaus reminded with a cold smile. "Though the kidnapping was a little too far." He told Kol. "You could've at least taken Riley or just Kai if he was who you needed."

Kol shrugged with a grin. "I'll keep that in mind for next time." He glanced at me. "Besides I wanted Riley to meet Davina."

"Davina." I repeated. "Right, your girlfriend."

"Having your ex meet your current girlfriend." Kai scrunched up his face. "Deja vu."

"Save this for later." Elijah said before Kol could speak, though he glared at Kai. "There are bigger things at hand."

"Like Marcel." Klaus glanced at Kai. "And that's where you come in."

"Who is Marcel?" He asked. I recognised the name because Kol mentioned him briefly.

"Think of him as an old friend." Klaus said. "But there was a disagreement."

"Where is Rebekah?" I wondered, realising I haven't seen her yet or in fact heard from her in a while.

"Our dear sister, Rebekah seems to be hexed and is now daggered until we need her." Elijah told me, fixing his suit sleeves.

Why does he always wear suits? I wondered, then again he looked good in them.

"Do I want to know how?" I asked, raising a brow. He shook his head and I nodded. "Alright, well where's Davina?"

"She's out at the moment." Kol said, I saw Klaus shifted in his seat. "She's a little shaken up from a recent event."

"You kidnapping our son?" Kai asked.

Kol ignored him. "Camille died and Davina almost did as well."

"Did you say Camel?" Kai asked with a small smile. My eyes doubled in size and Klaus looked ready to murder Kai.

Elijah out his hand on his brother's shoulder before he stood up. "Niklaus."

He was breathing heavily. "He has a death wish that one."

"What did you do to Marcel to make him hate you?" I asked to change the topic off Kai.

"He let Camille die." Freya said. "But it was to defeat Lucien." She added, glancing over at Klaus who was running his hand down his face.

I'm guessing they were close. I thought, feeling bad for him.

"Okay, well what is your plan?" I asked

On The Run With Him: Kai Parker Where stories live. Discover now