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"Stop dying on me, idiot." I told Kai between every kiss I planted on his face.

I cringed and wiped his face with the back of his hand. "Now I have your saliva all over my face."

I laughed and kissed his cheek one last time. "Now it is."

"Would be strange to call them somewhat cute?" Stefan asked Valerie, the two of them sat in the front of the car while Kai and I were in the backseat with Grayson.

She smiled at us, then looked at Stefan. "They are rather adorable."

Kai rolled his eyes but smiled a little. "How much further Stefan?"

"It shouldn't be that long." He replied. "Besides I've got extra petrol in case we run out." 

He nodded and tugged a strand of my hair. I rose a brow. "Can I help you?"

"You should cut your hair, it's too long."

I frowned. "I like my hair this length."

"Well I don't."

I stared at Kai. "And?"

"And I'm the boss." I snorted a laugh. He chuckled. "But it looks better shorter."

I shrugged. "There are more pressing issues than my hair length right now Kai."

"But you should really cut it soon."

"I'll keep that in mind." I shoved his arm and he winked.


"Oh look." I followed Kai's finger and rolled my eyes when I saw what he was looking at.


He nodded with a smile, taking my hand and leading me into the hairdressers. A few eyes fell on us when the bell whistled as we opened the door. Majority of the women in there, stared in awe at Kai and I couldn't shake off my jealously. He appeared to take no notice in the stares, at times I think Kai forgot how attractive he was.

A rather tall woman walked over to us, with a welcoming smile. "What can I do for you two today?" She asked, with her eyes lingering on Kai.

"A haircut for my girlfriend." He answered and his words caught me off guard. Kai and I had been dating for a while but, I didn't think I had heard him actually call me his girlfriend.

A wave of disappointment fell over her face but nodded, turning her attention to the notepad on the desk. She scanned her finger of the page then looked back up with an apologetic face.

"Sorry, we're all booked up today. But if you like, Diana is free." She paused and skimmed over the book. "In two days at midday."

I shook my head, glancing at the book myself then her. "Diana is free now to cut my hair." I said to her, locking my eyes with her brown ones.

She stared then gave a small nod. Blinking, she fixed her smile and nodded. "I'll go get her for you."

She walked away to another woman, she was much shorter with short brown hair, a few grey streaks there. "Naughty girl." I heard Kai utter with a smirk on his face.

I sent him a smirk. "I'm deciding the length."

"Be my guest." Kai said as the two women walked over to us.

The shorter one, Diana, shook her hair. "I'm really sorry but-"

"There is enough time to cut my hair." I interrupted her and the two paused then gave a nod.

On The Run With Him: Kai Parker Where stories live. Discover now