Back to Near Normal

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Leanne's POV

After all the excitement of the past few days, things started to return to normal, or as normal as can be, when you have a boyfriend, yes! I have a boyfriend not just a boyfriend but one I now know loves me.

He can't keep his hands off me, he has to cuddle me, pick me up and carry me, or just hold my hand and the best thing is I love it, we can't stop kissing, it's like we have lost so much time that we will not get in our lifetime quota of kisses, unless we start now and cram them in as quick as possible, not that I'm complaining.

The only thing we disagree on is going public, I know it's got to happen, but I am not happy about it, people will judge me and so far in my life the people who have judged me hate me, apart from my new family and nan.

Colton assures me that everyone will love me, I'm not convinced, so to appease me, we decide to carry on as before with me being his PA.

"You do know I will be calling you into the office or trailer or whatever room I'm in just so I can kiss you and touch you" he had whispered in my ear, causing a tsunami in my stomach.

I had looked at him with what I hoped was a sexy look and in again what I hoped was a sexy voice said.

"But Mr Barratt sir, I can't mix business and pleasure sir, what will my boss think if he catches me, he will want to chastise me by smacking my bare ass, and as much as I would like that from my boss, I have to remain professional if I want to get on sir"

He pulled me into a hug, planting a kiss on my lips, then in a low growl.

"Leanne Masters, I am your boss and you will do as I say or so help me I will put you face down on the desk, forcibly rip your underwear off, lift your skirt exposing your cute bare ass and I will then chastise you and you will then spend the rest of the day with no underwear on, do you understand me"

God I love it when he dominates me like this, we haven't had sex yet just lots of heavy petting, I'm still nervous as I have no clue what to do.

Colton is very patient with me and says, when I feel the time is right, he will make heaven and earth move for me and I believe him if his kisses are anything to go by.

"Right Mr Barratt sir, we need to go to work" I say switching to work mode " You have a breakfast meeting with Mr Barratt senior at 8:30, followed by a meeting with your finance director at 10:00, business lunch, you Mr Barratt senior and Mr Hyde and his PA at 12:30"

"All right Lea, I get the picture" have I any free time to day"

"Yes sir you are free from 3:30 till 4:00"

"Good block that off, I have a very important meeting then"

" But sir, I haven't been informed, I might have booked something in at that time, you must tell me" I whined

"I just have" he smirked.

With a sigh I asked. " okay sir who's the meeting with and what's the agenda"

Colton got up and walked by me towards the door as he drew level he bent down and whispered in my ear.

"You for a make out and spanking session" with that said he straightened up and headed to the door holding it open indicating I should go out first, I rose from the sofa shaking my head and walked past him out the door, at that precise moment I felt a stinging sensation on my ass, where Colton had smacked me, I let our a squeak and jumped. He bent forward and again whispered in my ear.

"A little taste of what's to come" he said, winked, straighten and walked to get his coat and make his way to the front door. Which again he held open with a smirk on his face.

The Pursuit of Leanne MastersWhere stories live. Discover now