Where is she?

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Alex's POV

Where is she, hopefully she will wait when we get the other side of this crowd.

Wait what's the shrieking, Shit I hope she's not in any trouble.

Then I hear her voice.

"Yes I'm Colton Barratt's girlfriend "

What the hell, why would she admit that, she's in trouble that why, I pull my phone out and dial her number, dam she's switched it off, I start elbowing my way through the crowd getting a few annoyed looks and comments, now their is a lot of shrieking and camera phone flashes at least I know where she is.

Continuing to make my way through the crowd the photo's ceased, all of a sudden I nearly tripped over something, looking down I realised it was her shopping, I grabbed it and with more urgency forced my way through the crowd, Suddenly I find myself outside and no sign of Leanne.

"Excuse me where did she go" I asked the nearest group of people, who stared at me as though I was a stalker.

"She jumped into a taxi" one of the group replied, I felt a sense of relief at first till a second person added,
"Who was that man holding her arm, bodyguard I suppose".

Oh shit, I rang Colton no answer must be working, I then rang, knuckles, his phone was off also.

" Shit" I screamed, getting a lot of funny looks from passers-by.

Only one other place to try, I rang Colton's grandparents, Mrs Barratt answered and I asked if Leanne was there, she said she though she was with me, I knew something bad had happened.

I filled Mrs Barratt in with the details that I knew, she said she would inform her husband immediately, I thanked here and hung up.

My phone rang instantly, the caller ID confirmed it was Knuckle's.

"What's up AL" he boomed.

"So I recited the story again.

" Shit" he cursed, okay Alex, I'll get people rolling, see if you can find any Intel about this man and what happened from any witnesses, I organise the search from here, Colton's gonna love this"

Well I'm gonna be in trouble, I let her get kidnapped on my watch.

After asking around I didn't gain anything new as most of the crowd had moved on.

Feeling deject I made my way to the Barratt's home to see if there was any news and whether I still had a job.

Colton's POV

I had just finished a fairly difficult retake again, when a halt was called as they changed the set, grabbing a towel I wiped my face and made my way off set to my trailer.

I hadn't gone far when I saw knuckles standing in front of me looking worried.

" What's up mate" I asked.

Knuckles straighten up never a good sign.

"Got some bad news Mr Barratt"

Definitely bad news if he called me Mr Barratt.

"It's Leanne"

I froze.

"We believe she's been kidnapped"

I nearly collapsed, I can't lose her not a second one I thought, as knuckles continued to inform me what action plan they were using.

"Let's go" I said.

"Yes sir" replied knuckles.

He nodded his head and the other two fell in.

"Monty" I shouted, after he acknowledged me I added "Tell Chris, I have an emergency have to leave now"

The Pursuit of Leanne MastersWhere stories live. Discover now