The Reception

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Leanne's POV

As we made our way down the steps, we had to keep stopping to pose for photographs, speaking to the TV reporters, shaking hands excepting the praise, as I had been briefed many times it's expected from the Barrett's.

All I can say is the people of New York must love them, because they bothered to turnout to see us, so it's only fair we spend some time with them.

Eventually we made it to the waiting vintage Rolls Royce Phantom and were whisked of to the reception.

At least here we would be away from the public and more importantly the media's eye's, as the reception was being held at the Barrett's mansion.

As we rode towards home, Colton turned to me and with a big smile said.

"Well wife, how are you feeling tied to me for the rest of your life"

"Well husband" I replied with a dramatic sigh " I suppose I'll get use to it"

With that he pounced on me,making me fall back on the seat and squeal.

"Get off you maniac, you'll ruin my dress"

As he continued to kiss all the exposed parts of my body he muttered.

"Don't care I'll buy you a new one"

I pushed him off and huffed.

"You will not! I love this one now husband behaviour yourself or you will feel the wrath of your wife"

As he advanced on me again.

"Don't care it will be worth it" he growled.

"Husband!" I screamed "If you do not behave you will not get to consummate our marriage tonight"

"Pool" he answered.

"A week" I countered.

" You wouldn't dare" he said as he closed the gap between us.

I looked up in his eye's, he was right I was struggling now I couldn't wait an hour let alone a week.

I shook my head no, he pounced and I shrieked.

When we arrived home for the reception, my dress was disheveled and my makeup was smudged, as we got out who should be waiting for us but Mum, Dad, BB and Chloe.

"Jeez you two, can't you wait till tonight" Chloe said turning her nose up.

"Get a room" added BB.

Mum and Dad just smiled, then Mum stuck her hand out to me and said.

"Come on Lea let's tidy you up before you go to the reception and try and keep your hands off each other until tonight"

This made me want to crawl under the table in embarrassment.

"Yes Mum" I muttered before turning to Colton and mouthing ' it's all your fault' to which he shrugged his shoulders and held his hands out in a couldn't be helped gesture.

After thirty minutes I was deemed fit to join the reception, as Colton and I walked in to the main tent and made our way to the top table, everyone stood and applauded.

After all the speeches, it came time to read out the apology cards, Seth, Colton's best man and best friend from college, who I knew very little about as he was very secretive and Colton didn't talk about him, so it was a surprise when he came over and spoke to me before reading the cards.

"Leanne I am so pleased to meet you, you are simply stunning and to capture Colton's heart and make him whole again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart and my father cannot wait to meet you" he winked and took the microphone and stood in front of our table.

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