Something There

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Mr Barratt senior's POV

I came into the office at the crack of dawn to catch up on some stuff before the meeting with my financiers regarding a takeover of a smaller software firm and also to avoid the gauntlet getting to the office, it saved having to deal with the sickly sweet smiles and innuendos from the glam parade. Even happily married and at 45 years of age they still try it on. I don't want it and I do not want my son to marry someone like that urrgh! No way do I want a fake plastic daughter in law.

I am just finishing studying the finances of the takeover target, when the door bursts open and my son, two of my security personnel and a very attractive young lady unfortunately her outfit not doing her any favours entered.

After greeting my son and his declaration of his new PA, I sat quietly and watched the exchange fascinated by how they reacted to each other, then I saw it, the passion in his eyes, the look on his face, I hadn't seen that look for years, well not since he was in his early teens not since Marie.

Mariqetta Delcona a daughter of my Italian best friend Antonio Delcona, it was she that started calling him Colton as it was confusing have two Ray's she said and since then it has stuck she and Colton were inseparable, they grew up together, played together, where one was the other was not far behind.

One day I saw Marietta in tears, I asked Colton what the problem with Marietta was, he said he didn't know, so I asked Marietta and she said they were happy tears of love because Colton had spoken to her in Italian, I asked what he had said and she replied between her happy sniffles "Tu sei Il mio eterno Il mio per sempre." I couldn't help but smile Marietta was perfect for my son.

Then one day tragedy struck Marietta was killed in a freak riding accident, this devastated my son, He changed almost overnight the happy carefree boy was gone, replaced by a guarded no emotional empty shell, everything now was serious, Anything requiring an emotion, he walked away from or you watched as he built his walls up in front of your eyes. He shunned any attempt to help him forget, he stayed away from the numerous women throwing themselves at him he became a loner.

After a few years at his mother's and my constant pressure he started dating, well dating was probably to strong a word he would go out once and then never see the woman again, many when home alone in tears. In the end we gave up pushing him, he would go out with a women to satisfy his and her needs but there was no love involved. One day I asked if he loved any one special, he turned to me and said.

"Dad if and that's a big if, I find the one that steals my heart again you will know"

I looked at him and waited, he lifted his eyes to mine and said.

"I will declare it in Italian" and I have been waiting for that day with no sign of it ever coming, until today.

I lifted my head up and saw my son staring at this girl, the look in his eyes made me take a sharp intake of breath, Ray Colton Barratt junior saw something in this girl, I need to know more.

After I spoke to Leanne and she rushed out of the room. I turned my attention to my son and asked him to explain what I had just witnessed.

"I'm not sure dad, I think she would be good for the company there's just something about her I want he.., err! I mean like, for the companies sake I mean" he spluttered.

"I hope you don't mind that I hired her, after all it's your company, but I like to keep her around, I think she will be a good PA, I mean cleaner"
I could barely keep the grin off my face, I have never seen my son so flustered, especially over a woman.

He liked her, hell he was falling for her, he couldn't see it quite yet but I could. She was one mighty feisty young lady but she was capturing my son's heart.

Damn this is so good I need to monitor the situation and step in to make this happen, I think, no I know I have met my new daughter in law and by fair means or foul I would make this happen.

Watch out Leanne you don't know what's coming your way, I have an idea its time to start putting the pressure on.

" No son I don't mind and I agree with you I think she will be a great asset to the company, So much so that I intend to make sure she gets to clean the executive suites up here, don't you think?"

"Hey Dad I think that's a great idea, thanks" With that he sauntered out of the office with a huge smile on his face and even complimented the staff on their good work leaving them all shell shocked.

"Oh yes Leanne you and I have some business to attend to, now to put together a takeover deal, with you as the target"

With that I picked up the phone and dialled home.

"Hello my gorgeous wife, how are you feeling today?"

"My, we are full of charm today, so come on spill, there's something brewing when you talk to me like that"

"Oh Geraldine you know me so well, I think we should have a barbeque party this weekend, I have somebody I would like you to meet, In fact I would like you to meet your future daughter in law"

"Oh!" came the reply "Go on, I'm all ears"

So I explained the events of the morning, when I finished.

"This woman I have got to meet" stated Geraldine. "I will set it up and get all the family over, I feel a wedding coming on"


Well I'm working on the next chapter

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