Back with Nan

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Leanne's POV

I sat on the sofa holding a steaming mug of coffee in one hand and a large slice of cake Nan insisted I eat.

I had got back to New York in the early hours, I had bought a hoodie at the airport in LA and worn it with the hood up, I managed to allude everyone and got back to nan's, after blurting out my story, having a good cry and a piece of cake and a cup of coffee, I was feeling a bit happier.

Nan argued that I should at least tell Chloe where I was as she would worry.

But I couldn't not at that precise moment, as I needed time to think.

I started yawning, so nan sent me to bed, where upon feeling my old familiar bed and bedding, I soon fell into a deep sleep, it was just as well, then I didn't hear the phone conversation downstairs.

"Mr Barratt, it's Mrs Williams, Leanne's nan, I just want to let you know she's here with me, no I don't think that's a good idea give me a few days to work on her, yes she's safe and well, in a few days everything will be back to normal, you can assure Colton of this, goodbye Mr Barratt, speak to you again soon"

As the sunlight broke through the curtains and streamed across my face, I stretched and rolled over, the trauma of the previous day, a shadow of its former self, but still the shadow was there.

After performing my morning ritual that all us ladies have in the morning, cleanse body, face and mouth, do something with the hair and then head down for your reward for all that effort, coffee and breakfast.

One final check, blue skinny jeans, Brian Adams Tour t shirt, blue converse, hair thrown into manageable pony tail.

Coffee here I come, practically skipping down the stairs humming my own rendition of 'heaven' by the aforementioned Mr Adams.

Before I even entered the small kitchen, the scent of bacon and eggs emanated from the room topped off with the life giver, fresh coffee.

Flinging open the door I scurried over and hugged nan from behind resting the side of my face on the back of her head.

"My someone feels better this morning" she greeted.

"Yep! Great to be home nan, I've missed you" as I planted a kiss on her cheek.

"Home eh? I thought you were settled at the Barratt's house" she enquired turning to face me.

"It was alright, but this is simple and I love simple and I love you, I missed you nan, the simple things, I was happy here as a cleaner in the offices, where did it all go wrong"

"Did it go wrong" she asked with a frown. "It thought you and Colton Barratt got on well"

"We do nan, really well but, it's different being with him, I don't know it doesn't feel right some how, I don't think I can fit in that lifestyle, I mean I love his family and they are nice to me, but it's just, I don't. ..."

I was struggling to find the right answer, when nan butted in.

"Money " she simply said "Your struggling with the fact they have loads and you've never had any"

"I suppose" I said unsure.

"What's your feelings about Colton?" Nan stated

"What do you mean, I don't have any feelings about Colton " I lied "Sure I like him as a friend and he makes me laugh, but that's it really"

"Are you sure" she said fixing me with a stare, that made me blush. "That's what I thought" breaking off the piercing look, she piled up two plates with the cooked delights and passed one to me. I grabbed both of us some cutlery and we ate in a companionable silence.

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