Nightmare in the daytime

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Leanne's POV

I guess I must be a little drunk, don't ask me what I have had or how much I have no idea, but I needed something.

The men looked down there noses at me, they were pleasant enough Only because Colton was around, but the women, shit their looks tore me limb from limb every time they deemed to glance in my direction and I could feel at least ten pairs of eyes constantly on me.
I was ready to go home after an hour, I had only spoken to Colton, Mr Barratt and Mrs Barratt once.

Colton was off socialising and I was left getting snide remarks from every female I passed.

Just as I was about to give up and go and hide a voice said.

"So you must be Leanne, who I have heard so much about"

Here we go again I thought, plastering a fake smile on my face and turned to face my next tormentors.

"Good evening, yes I'm Leanne, I'm pleased to meet you" I said with a saccharine sweet smile.

"Oh your are more beautiful than we were led to believe" came the reply.

Wow that's a new one, I focused on the two people in front of me.

They were a lot older than all the people here and they have large friendly smiles on their wrinkle free round faces, they had the poise of refined people and certainly were very wealthy as their immaculate clothing showed.
"Well thank you, that's so nice of you" I said blushing.

Then a masculine voice says " Much prettier than those harlots over there, All plastic, tarted up and false"

"shush Henry, they may hear you" said the feminine voice.

"Don't care they need all the help they can get, but look at this young lady pure natural beauty, if only I were fifty years younger I would be chasing you not them "

Now I was beetroot red.

"Now look what you've done you've embarrassed her"

"Still the best looker here, our grandson has good taste that's for sure"

Now I felt like hiding under a rock. Wait a minute grandson.

"So your Colton's grandparents " I asked.

"Guilty as charged" said Henry with a smile.

"So" came a familiar voice " You've met my grandparents then"

"Oh hi, Colton, yes and they are very charming"

"Colton "said his grandmother "this one is a keeper, understand a keeper"

"Yes grandmother I know"

"Come on Alice, let's leave the two lovebirds alone"

"Coming Henry, my, you do make a handsome couple " she said pinching my cheek as she left.

I was so red now, I didn't think I would ever return to my natural colour.

"There quite a pair aren't they" Colton mused.

"They certainly are, they have this strange notion that we are a couple"

Colton didn't answer just looked at me and smiled.

As the afternoon wore on I was on my own more and more, getting more and more drunk.

And my thoughts were getting darker and darker.

I wondered if I was turning into my parents by drinking all this alcohol, which led me to drag up my past, the time the sheriff tried to grab me when he was drunk this sent a shiver up my spine, then my thoughts turned to the party, the party like the one I'm at now.

Suddenly I heard Colton's voice behind me.

"Hey beautiful how about a dance" shit that's what the sheriff said at the party.

"No it's alright thanks I don't dance" I replied.

"Oh come on let's give it a go" he said grabbing my hand and leading me on to the dance floor, shit the sheriff did the same at the party.

I looked around people were staring at me and pointing and laughing weren't they. Colton pulled me in to dance close, I looked into his eyes and smiled, then he started rubbing his hands up and down my arms then he spoke.

"Leanne I think I'm falling in lo...."

"...... ve to fuck you right here on the dance floor but to many people, so I'll just take you outside now and fuck you" I looked up in horror the sheriff! it was the sheriff all the time, I was stupid to go to the party, I must get away find Chloe got to save her.

I started kicking and screaming, suddenly I was free, I turned I was right everyone was laughing at me, egging the sheriff on.

I ran screaming for Chloe, I must find her make sure she's safe, I find a bathroom rush in and lock the door, then curl up in the corner and cry, I've let Chloe down, I can't find her and save her.

Colton's POV

What the hell just happened, I knew she was a little drunk, we started dancing, then she became all wild eyed started screaming for Chloe and punching an kicking me.
I let her go, she ran round screaming for Chloe, then looked herself in the bathroom crying her eyes out.

What the hell has she been through to act like that I need to know.

"Somebody get a doctor" demanded my father. "What the hell happened son"

" I honestly don't know father one moment everything was okay next she flipped out, scared me to death, dad I've got to help her"

I started towards the bathroom door.

"Wait! Not a good idea apparently" came the voice of BB
I turned to see her talking on her mobile.

" Who are you talking to" I asked.

"Chloe" she replied

"Chloe her sister?"


"What does she recommend" I asked.

"Keep calm, don't approach her, keep the whole area quiet, she's going to get a taxi and get her as soon as she can"

"Not quick enough" my father stated "Is there any open land near to their house "

BB relayed the message to Chloe. "There's the school field over the road about two minutes away, hang on what's the school's name Chloe, St Luke's high, got it"

"Right tell her to get there now the helicopter will pick her up" father commanded "Bill can your guy secure the area for the helicopter"

Father was now in operation mode.

"Ray two cars be there in five minutes " said Bill who so happened to be the police chief.
"Thanks bill, owe you one, Jay get onto.."

"Already done sir chopper will be on it's way in ten minutes, just get flight details as we speak.

"Good now we wait quietly " he whispered.

The Pursuit of Leanne MastersWhere stories live. Discover now