And Rock Stars

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Leanne's POV

After the premiere party we were hounded from the exit of the venue to the gates of the Barrett's home.

As we entered the lounge, Dad and Mum were sat waiting for us, Alex made an excuse and she and the security team disappeared.

"Well son how did it go?" He asked with a stern expression on his face.

Oh shit I thought something's wrong what's Colton done

Colton smiled and said.

"Really well Dad, The film was a hit with the audience, I told the world I'm in love with Leanne, we kissed, that's about it"

'That's about it' my brain screamed.

"Good, so when are you going to make good your promises" he said looking back and forth between Colton and me.

"Promises?" I questioned

"Yep, Marriage and our grandchildren"

He replied. "That's what you told the whole world"

I immediately went bright red, oh shit the whole world heard us, could things get any worse.

"Soon Dad, I intend to get married very soon and then we can start on our brood of grandkids" he smirked.

Hang on I thought, don't I get a say in this. The Barratt men have me married and pregnant with triplets.

"What's that about grandkids" BB asked as she and Chloe came in dressed in their pyjamas. "Are you pregnant, Leanne, oh good I get to be an aunt, when's it due?"

"Not yet dear" mum stated. "But soon"

Oh hell, its not just the men, it's the whole damn family who want me married and pregnant.

" Umm" I mumbled "I'm, er tired, so goodnight all, see you in the morning" as I went to leave, Dad grabbed me and pulled me into a hug.

"Hey dear, it's alright, we didn't mean to upset you, we love you and we want you to do whatever you want, when you want, it's just with Colton the way he was, we didn't see any grandchildren in our future.
But now he's got the most beautiful girl in the world whom he wants to marry and have children with and she says she wants the same we got quite carried away, We're sorry"

I hugged him back.

"I do Dad, I want it all too, it's just a little hard to take it all in"

"Then my dear take your time, we are here for you as long as it takes" mum added.

"Thank you" I replied.

The next day being a Sunday, meant I could lay in, yes!
Sprawling out on my sumptuous mattress, I stretched my arms above my head and my legs down the bed, just as there was a knock on my door, without a second thought, I said.

"Come in" the door opened and in walked Colton, oh shit of all the people I expected it wasn't him.

He walked in and stopped mid stride his eyes glued to my body, as i was dressed in French knickers and a very short revealing top and in mid stretch.

He was in a tight white six pack hugging t shirt and jogging bottoms, as we both froze and stared at each other.

Chloe walked in saw us both staring at each other.

"Oops" she said as she did a quick one eighty and left, this broke us both out of our trance, I grabbed the sheets and flung them back over my body and Colton cleared his throat.

"Sorry but you did say come in"

"It's okay, I just didn't think it was you"

"Well I just wanted to ask if you wished to come and see me and the guys rehearse for the concert, you'll get to see Cherry and the rest of the the gang as well"

The Pursuit of Leanne MastersWhere stories live. Discover now