Don't mess with the Barratt's

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Leanne's POV

I have never been in the spotlight like this before, I was sat at the table with Chloe and had Mrs Barratt and Mrs Williams who by the way were getting on famously, they were fussing over us, offering food, drinks and comfort, The Barratt men where in conversation with who I assumed to be their attorney. Jay was making phone calls to everyone on the list.

Nobody was arguing with Mr Barratt senior what he wanted he got, apparently when the Mayor of Cold Rock wanted me handed over into the sheriff's custody and Mr Barratt refused on the grounds of my safety, the Mayor threatened to go to the governor, Mr Barratt said he could and he would be speaking to the president. All of a sudden I was a ward of Mr Barratt.

After an hour or so of furious activity. Chloe and I were summoned to Mr Barratt senior's office, where we were introduced to a smartly dressed man.

"Ladies may I introduce you to Mr Jacob Witherspoon" announced Mr Barratt.

"Holy shit" Chloe said to me in a whisper.

Then while shaking his hand she asked

"Are you the same guy who represented that government official and that movie star"

"That's me young lady and what I have been told I will get you off as well"

"Right Jacob, I have investigators in Tennessee and if required I can call in a few favours and have the FBI brought in"

This brought home to me just how powerful the Barratt's are and how lucky I was to have them on my side.

"Right ladies please sit" Jacob said "I'm afraid the next couple of hours are going to be quite painful as I need to go over everything you have told Mr Barratt, okay?"

I nodded and for the next few hour's I went over and over what had happened on that fateful night.

After what seemed an eternity Jacob announced that he had enough to go on with, thanked Chloe and me for our time and help, assuring us we had nothing to worry about.

Colton who had sat quietly in the background came and put an arm around my shoulder and I rested my head on his chest, then switching to putting his arm around my waist and pulling me in closer we made our way back to the lounge. Where once everyone saw us together their faces transformed into smiles.

He sat on the sofa and pulled me onto his lap, even after what I had been through, this action had a resounding affect on my body. I feel hot, safe and shivery all at the same time and as he pulled me further into his body and started drawing lazy circles on the back of my neck with his thumb, I nearly passed out from the different emotions flowing though me.

"Are you hungry Lea? " he asked.

And right on time my stomach growled.

"Okay I think that's a yes " he laughed as I turned red.

"Come on let's go get something to eat, anyone else want to come and get something to eat?"
Chloe, BB and Alex said they wanted to come, everyone else declined.

We went our separate ways to get ready to go out for dinner.

Chloe and I chatted about the events of the day as we made our way up to our rooms.

We spent several minutes deciding what I should wear, then Chloe started attacking my hair and BB my makeup, there was a knock on the door and when invited, Alex walked in and joined in on the debate as what to wear.

When it was settled, Alex admitted at not knowing how to dress and do her own makeup as she rarely gets invited out. That was like a red rag to a bull with Chloe, next thing BB and Chloe were dragging a reluctant Alex back to her room so they could prepare her for the evening out.

I must admit I felt a little sorry for Alex as Chloe and BB set about her armed with hairdryer, straighteners, cosmetics and goodness knows what else. But after fifteen or so minutes, Alex looked gorgeous and even admitted so herself.

With Chloe's and BB's ego's inflated by both of us we made our way downstairs.

"Well aren't I the lucky one"

Colton said when he saw the four of us.

"I get to dine with four beautiful women" he added.

We decided to go to Paulo's a nice modern restaurant in the local mall and set off in a limo with Matt driving, seems when your a Barratt you can have more than one driver.

The five of us entered the restaurant with four of us giggling like schoolgirls, much to the amusement of Colton.

After being escorted to our table, we started on poor Colton and the farewell concert.

"Why did you form a group if you are giving it up" I asked.

"It was one of my dreams" he said. "I didn't think for one moment we would be as successful as we have been, but the guys found the girls they wanted to spend the rest of there lives with and their priorities changed and the fun of being away on tour dried up"

"But you haven't found the girl you want to spend the rest of your life with" Chloe asked.

"No I hadn't" he replied, then he turned his head and stared me straight in the eye's and added " until now"

I immediately went bright red, before stuttering out.

"Any other dreams"

"I have accomplished most of my dreams, I would like to get married have kids do normal family things, you know"

We all nodded.

"What about you" he asked.

I thought for a moment, then replied.

"When Chloe and I were making our way here, sometimes at night I would look up at the stars and dream, I would be in a big place like a park with lots of people around and I would be there to see the love of my life he would then get down on one knee under an archway of red roses and propose to me, I would except and everyone would clap" I sighed.

"What about you Chloe" Colton asked.

This involved rock stars and foreign countries.

Alex wanted to meet a nice man for a good time maybe marriage in the future.

BB just wanted to have a fun life.

We discussed each other's dreams and laughed at some of the ridiculous ideas we came up with to make them happen.

We chatted, laughed, giggled and had a good time as we polished off our main meal and waited for the dessert trolley to come round.

Chloe excused herself to go to the restroom and we continued chatting, after a couple of minutes I needed to go to the restroom as well, so I excused myself and make my way down the hallway and into the restroom.

When I got in there I did what I needed to do and washed my hands, straighten my hair and headed out back to the table.

As I left the restroom, funny I thought, I didn't pass Chloe on the way here and she went to the restroom ten minutes ago.

Before I could ponder on this a waiter approached me.

"Excuse me Miss, I was asked to give you this" he said handing me a note.

I thanked him and opened the note. My heart stopped.

'Sweetheart if you want to see your sister unharmed and alive, do exactly as I say. Don't tell anyone slip out the back door by the restroom and head to the east end of mall, you will see a boarded up empty shop, push on the door it will be open. Ignore these instructions and you won't see Chloe alive again'

Dam I have no choice, I don't stop to think I slip out the backdoor and make my way east, checking to make sure I wasn't being followed.
I quickly found the boarded up shop easing the door open I slipped inside.

"Hello sweetheart "

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