Jacob Wins the Day

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Leanne's POV

I couldn't understand why Jacob was so pleased, to me I had lost. But Jacob winked at me and said

"Have some faith, I don't lose case's that I believe in and I wholeheartedly believe in you and tonight you can treat me to dinner as a thank you"

I smiled knowing he was just trying to cheer me up, but all I could see was me eating in the county lockup.

We stopped at a doctors surgery and I had to go in with a doctor and be examined. When the doctor handed Jacob a note his smile grew.

"Leanne, we just shut the lid on this case, come"

Duke took the stand and gave me an evil smirk, I was also receiving smug looks from the girls.

While his attorney asked him questions about us, us! there had never been an us.

That we had met at my father's shack and how he broke my heart by saying we were through and we argued and I hit him over the head and pushed him through the glass table and thinking he was dead laughed and left.

I could see the sympathy in the jurors eyes, I don't know about Jacob but my faith was gone like me.

"No more questions"

"Do you have any questions Mr Witherspoon" The judge asked.

"I do" Jacob said standing, he then asked questions about me and him and the night in question.

Shit all the answers Duke gave weren't helping me.


Jacob - "So Duke you and Isabella had a physical relationship, you had sex"

Duke - "Yes sir on numerous occasions, she was insatiable"

Laughter from the court. I just went bright red.

Jacob - "Yes quite, have you had sex with any other girls"

Duke - "One or two, I mean I am a man"

Jacob - "Have you had sex with any of the girls, who testified"

Now Duke's happy demure changed and he started to look a little nervous and he looked over at the girls sitting near the back.

Jacob - "Well have you"

Duke - "Nnn no sir"

Jacob - "You don't seem very sure, simple question, have you had sex with any of the girls that testified"

Duke's attorney tried to interrupt by asking what Duke's sex life had to do with the matter in hand and Jacob assured the judge all would be revealed in a minute.

The judge directed Duke to answer the question.

Duke - "No sir"

Jacob - "hmm, Duke have you heard of a sex site called sexteens USA"

At this Duke went as white as a ghost and looked frightened.

As for me I came out of my wow is me mood and sat up straight, not for the fact of a sex site which I knew nothing about, but the look on Dukes face, Suddenly my faith in Jacob started to return.

Jacob - "Well Duke"

Duke - " Well I may have come across it, hell I'm a man aren't I "

But the confident air he had before was gone and when Jacob next spoke, so was Duke gone.

Jacob went right up to Duke and invaded his space before letting loose.

"Of course you know the site you are a registered member are you not, you post sex videos on their site do you not, videos that show you as the star in the videos do they not. Videos that also star..."

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