Internet phenomenon

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Leanne's POV

It's Saturday morning and I'm breakfasting with Chloe, Alex, Mum and Damien discussing my speech for the opening of the garden party.

When Dad strode in.

"Lea I meant to ask about this LCM Foundation idea of yours" he asked.

I explained it wasn't really my idea but Alex's, mainly because of the interview and the large amount of money Alex got them to pay me, which I didn't want, so that's when she suggested it and it was my intention to get her to run it if she would as she's had experience.

"Good, good" said dad "Here, I believe you have made a good choice so I want to make a donation" as he handed me a cheque, I opened it and my jaw hit the floor,
A million dollars, I never knew that amount of money existed.

"But, but I can't, it's to much, You..."

"Stop" he commanded " Leanne don't argue with me on this, my company gives hundreds of donations to charity, besides its tax deductible and I want you to help children find a home, like you found this one, plus I have arranged an accountant for the charity and a legal advisor and that's the end of it, now say thank you"

I can't help it I am so overwhelmed I throw myself into his arms he stiffens at first then gives me a genuine hug.

"Thank you" I say as I kiss him on the cheek.

"Hey" said Mum "I nagged him, where's my hug" she huffed, so I did my daughterly duty and hugged and kissed Mum as well.

When everyone was satisfied, I went to find Colton and remind him about the charity garden party today.

I found him where I expected to in his study, I went in when he beckoned me, as he was just finishing on the phone, with a broad smile on his face.

"All right mister, what's that smile for, you look like you found the winning lottery ticket" I asked.

" oh nothing really " he said smirking " Just a little something I organised for the charity gig"

"Okay Colton Barratt, spill" I said crossing my arms and glaring at him.

"Well you know it's the farewell concert soon"

I nodded, who didn't know, it was everywhere, the TV, gossip mags, internet were full of the concert.

"Well the guys and I have to practice, soooo, we thought we could do it at the garden event this evening, get more people there and we can practice"

I smiled at him and putting my hands against his chest reached up and kissed him.

"They'll love it" I said.

"Yep, just finished arranging it with Dawn, she something isn't she, hyper or what" he concluded.

I giggled. "Come on rock star, time we got ready to go"

With an hour to spare we climbed into the cavalcade of SUV's, as it was a family outing, Mum, Dad, Chloe, Alex, BB, Colton and me, not to mention an army of security.

We navigated the traffic filled streets and when we got there, wow!

There were people queued for miles, reporters, paparazzi, TV vans and cameras, the road outside the orphanage gates were packed, waiting for me to open the event so they could troop in through the gates to the large green area, Deemed the garden.

There were various types of stalls dotted around, a small collection of amusements were in the bottom corner, a large trailer was decked out to be the stage for Twilight of the Gods performance, and a large tent where the auction was to be held later.

The Pursuit of Leanne MastersWhere stories live. Discover now