Wedding Preparations

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Leanne's POV

With the wedding looming up before me, I was panicking as to what to expect, I had heard things that quite frankly scared the hell out of me.

I wasn't comfortable as it was about the fact it had to to be a monstrous public affair, because it was expected, however I would cope with that side of it.

But from what I was hearing, things like arriving in a hot air balloon, or by helicopter, were freaking me out.

That was bad enough, but the media were having a field day with me, there were artist Impressions as to what my wedding dress will look like and what it would look like on me.

There were superimposed pictures of me in various top designers creations, I was given makeup tips on TV as to what I should or shouldn't do, what I should eat, in fact I was being scrutinised by every source of media and even people I met were lecturing me on what to do and not regarding my appearance.

This I could have handled, but it was the fact it wasn't the wedding I wanted, I felt miserable and frightened, no one had included me in what I may want and certainly in what I didn't want.

I was beginning to feel down and miserable and it must have showed, because Colton mentioned it.

"Alright Lea, spit it out" he sighed.

"What, there nothing to spit out" I replied.

"Lea" he warned. " The pool awaits"

This was his standard threat when he knew I was hiding something, tell him or end up in the pool.

It was my turn to sigh now.

"Colton, I'm scared about the wedding" I whispered.

"I thought all brides got nervous about their wedding day"

"No it's not that" I quickly added.

"Well?" Raising his eyebrows.

Here goes nothing I thought.

"Well I think it's getting out of hand, helicopters, hot air balloons, horse drawn carriages, I know it has to be a public display, but all that they are planning frightens me and makes me feel like a commodity, a product, oh I don't know, it just doesn't feel like my wedding day"

"Have you told mum" queried Colton.

"Good heavens no! I don't want to upset her" I panicked.

"Right" he said determined, he got up from his dining chair, grabbed my hand and pulled me up dragging me behind him, he made a beeline for the lounge where the planning was going on.

I grew even more panicky now and tried to pull out of Colton's grasp, but he held on tight, I dug my heels in and tried to pull back, while pleading for him not to do this, would he listen? No chance, to bloody stubborn.

He didn't stop at the lounge door just threw it open and marched in with me in tow.

All eyes in the room turned to face Colton and me.

Mum, Nan and my two grandmother's, yep they were in on it as well now. Looked expectantly at Colton.

"Lea has something to tell you" he said dragging me along side him, then he turned to look at me with an unspoken command 'well'

I gulped. "Hi everybody it's nothing really, I just...."

"Lea's not happy with the wedding arrangements, she feels it's to much and she scared and also to scared to tell you" Colton interrupted.

Stick me in front of the firing squad why don't you crossed my mind.

All eyes turned to me, waiting.

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