Our Wedding Day

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Leanne's POV

I hadn't slept a wink, as today was THE DAY! The day that at first I dreaded, but after sitting down with the planning committee, I was a lot happier, today Colton became mine and I his. My wedding day.

The media had ramped up the coverage, Colton and I were everywhere on magazines, TV, social media, gossip sites, you name it one or both of us had a picture on it, it was that bad I expected t shirts and mugs with our pictures on it.

I couldn't go anywhere in the last week without being followed by an entourage of TV camera's, paparazzi and well-wishers, who handed me wedding presents, cards or flowers, men wanted to kiss the bride to be, so not happening, women wanted their pictures taken with me.

I mean come on if I were royalty I could understand all the attention, but it's me for crying out loud, little old nobody important me, so okay I'm marrying into New York royalty in a sense, but why am I getting more attention than the rest of the Barratt family it's beyond me.

I expected some attention, I mean half of Hollywood royalty and rock star royalty were invited to the ceremony as friends of Colton's, but why aren't they hounding them.

Anyway enough moaning I thought, as I staggered out of the huge bed.

I was staying in the penthouse suite in the Tower that was also to be our honeymoon suite and Colton kept phoning me all night saying he missed my warm body and he was cold without me, I knew what he was missing and he would have to wait for the wedding night for that.

All the women folk were in the hotel with me staying in their own rooms, that is until a knock had woken me up, like just now, hence I was making my way to the door, knowing full well what to expect and sure enough the women folk piled in dragging two large breakfast carts in with them.

"Come on Lea rise and shine, today's the day" sang out BB, as if I needed reminding.

"Why what happens today?" I replied scratching my head as though deep in thought.

"You become a Barratt like me" Chloe chimed in.

"Oh no, can I change my mind" I pretended to be scared.

" Not a hope in hell" warned Mum "I'll drag you up the aisle if I have to" She winked.

"Oh save me, save me from my evil mother in law to be" I cried out dramatically.

Then Nan in her no nonsense way put her two cents worth in.

"Shut up the lot of you, breakfast is getting cold and I'll go up the aisle and marry the man if that's what it takes to get some sanity and breakfast around here"

We all broke out in fits of the giggles and proceeded to clear the breakfast carts.

Once breakfast was out the way and to be honest I was forced to eat something by all around me, we went to our rooms to get ready we were due in the hotels spa for beauty treatments, hair, nails and makeup, before getting into our dresses and making our way to St Patrick's Cathedral for the ceremony.

We laughed and joked and really enjoyed our spa and beauty treatments, now we were all in the penthouse waiting for our limo to arrive, we had been fussed over by makeup artists, hair dressers and by Claudia herself as she was invited to the wedding.

She came to make sure I looked the best I could in her beautiful creation and I must say I had never felt so beautiful as I did today, I felt like I was Cinderella going to the ball to meet my prince.

"Okay said Mum let's go, the limos here"

Now the nerves make an appearance and I start to over think everything till Chloe elbows me.

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