I'm employed

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Leanne's POV

I visibly swallowed, I have become focused and strong willed when faced with men, the years have taught me to stand up to them and fight fire with fire, but this is different, there's an aura surrounding this guy that has me struggling to come up with a game plan, I am floundering in a sea of confusion and doubt.

Then the Greek god speaks,

"And who might you be girly?" he mused.

That did it that sorted out my internal struggles, 'girly'

Breathing in and pushing my shoulders back and stretching up to my full height of 5'7", even though he still towered over me.

"My name Mr Ego is Leanne and as much as I would like to stay and chat with you, I need to leave and find a job, so if you could more your great bulk out of my way then I can get the hell out of here" I growled staring him in the eyes.

He raised his eyebrows in surprise then a smirk spread across his face.

"Mr Ego eh?" he drawled.

All of a sudden the elevator doors next to the one that housed the injured security guys opened and Mr Hawkins staggered out still nursing his injured parts.

"You!" he bellowed "Why are you still here, I fired you, GET OUT!"

I turned and walked towards him,

"Jees why is every frigging one in this goddamned company pissing me off? Mr Hawkins as I said upstairs after you tried to blackmail me into sex to get a job, I don't work for this fucking company, so you can't fucking fire me you douche bag!" my voice was getting louder the longer I went on and Mr Hawkins was backing away from me as I stalked towards him.

"HAWKINS go back upstairs, be in my office in an hour, GO!" bellowed a voice from behind me, I knew who it was before I turned back around to face him. I heard Hawkins whimper "Yes Mr Barratt Sir" before he headed back into the elevator.

"Now young lady, you come with me" he said folding his arms in front of him.

Mimicking his stance I replied "No fucking way, I'm leaving"

He stepped towards me still glaring at me, it was difficult to stand my ground, but thank god I am one stubborn mother when I want to be.

"You young lady will come with me, or else I will have six guards hold you until the authorities get here to arrest you for assaulting my staff" with this he bent down so his face was inches from mine "Understand".

All I could do was nod my head, I let out a deep sigh and dropped my arms to my side in defeat.

"Good" he smirked "Now after you" as he did a sweeping movement with his arm bowing slightly indicating the lift with the two guards who were staring daggers at me.

'Great I'm going to die in an elevator in the Barratt building, with Mr Gorgeous Ego and two pissed off and maimed guards', I thought, 'what a start to the day.

I marched into the elevator and stood in the corner with my arms folded across my chest as a barrier. Of course HE! had to come and stand next to me which made me step away.

He raised a brow and smirked "What Leanne are you frighten of me?"

I turned and glared at him "No but I want to make sure when I get my chance of causing injury to you, it will be the maximum pain"

With this he threw back his head and laughed a genuine full bodied laugh.

"Oh, Leanne you are a breath of fresh air Il mio piccolo gatto selvatico"

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