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Leanne's POV

It was just over a week since Chloe and my birthday bash as we now referred to it as and I was sitting in Colton's old office as he had moved into his father's office Diana and Laura Mr Barratt senior's old PA and secretary had now become Colton's.

I had yet again argued with the Barrett's strongly that I would not give up work and stay at home and if they wouldn't give me a job, I would find one on my own.

After much arguing, tears and tantrum's mainly from me, as dad threatened to block all my attempts at working elsewhere, mum crying saying I should take it easy as I didn't have anything to prove.

We compromised I would work as Colton's executive Assistant and I would focus on the Barratt Enterprises new adopted charity LCM foundation, because as promised dad had installed an accountant and attorney, plus Alex had been given the task of running the foundation as it meant we would be working together so she was still my bodyguard.

Though mum had warned that when I was married we would talk some more about me working and when I was pregnant no way in hell was I working.

Well as far as I was concerned that was in the distant future, so I agreed to keep the peace, so here I am sitting in my large office waiting the arrival of Alex who had stopped off to get coffee and bagels on her way in.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, I made my way over and opened it, as I hadn't got use to just shouting come in it didn't seem polite, as I open the door, there stood four very nervous people who must have all been in their seventies, two men and two women and they seemed to be two couples.

I looked at them and felt a little bit nervous myself their features had a vague familiarity about them, but I couldn't place it. Then the taller more distinguished gentleman spoke and my heart stopped.

"Hmm, hello I'm Reginald and this is my wife Janet Mastersons, these are Richard and Hillary Kitson, we are your grandparents"

I was speechless, my mouth opened and closed looked a fish, tears pooled in my eyes, then all my senses returned to me in a rush, I slammed the door.

"Go away" I yelled. "Before I call security, tears were starting to escape, why can't the past leave me alone.

" Please! Leanne let us explain give us a few minu..."

" No go away, leave me alone" I screamed.

There was another knock on my door.

" Go away" I yelled again.

"It's me Colton" came the reply " Can I come in"

I rushed to the door, flung it open and dived into his arms sobbing, he put his arms around me and ushered me back into the office closing the door and sitting with me on the sofa.

"Hey, calm down, it's okay" he comforted.

"Oh Colton" I sobbed " My grandparents were here it was horrible"

" Lea now listen to me and listen good" he replied in a stern tone.

I nodded.

"Okay, I think you should listen to your grandparents..."

"But Colton" I interrupted.

"Please let me finish" he said.

"Lea when your trial was coming up our investigators tracked your grandparents down and when we told them that you and Chloe were safe and explained the life you had, they broke into tears, they had spent all their combined saving looking for you and the men were beyond livid with their children for the life they had lead you, they wanted to come to you straight away"

The Pursuit of Leanne MastersWhere stories live. Discover now