Colton's PA

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Leanne's POV

After all the introductions were over, there ensued a verbal sparring match over, what makeup and clothes I should wear whenever I go on my first date, as Chloe had let the cat out of the bag, that I had never been on one.

With Damien opting for the slutty look, the twins Becky and Adele for the sultry look and Chloe for the, well I won't tell what look she suggested, but that would never happen and how did a fourteen year old girl get to know about such things that I didn't know.

Then we went on the who am I going on my first date with, they paired me off with every famous person on the planet, Brad Pitt, Just Timberlake and loads more, until Chloe piped up.

"I know, how about the most famous, hotty of them all, who incidentally has a crush on yours truly" she said pointing at me "

Colton Barratt"

She said with a knowing nod, this led to some hysterics and a fresh wave of clothing and makeup ideas, while I just got redder and redder at their suggestions.

Finally I dragged Chloe out of the kitchen and we bumped into Colton in the hallway as we were trying to find the lounge or one of them.

"Oh Leanne, I would like to apologise for my behaviour this morning, I ..."

" I held up my hand for him to stop and he did.

"Colton there's no need to apologise you did nothing wrong, it was me, you see.."

"Well I see you two need to be alone so I'll go and paint my nails" Chloe interjected, then in a low voice " If I can find the dam bedroom, why do people have to have such big house's " she walk off down the hallway continuing to mutter to her self.

"Look Colton can we talk" I said.

I noticed a brief flash of worry in his eye's, before he nodded and led me down the hallway and into what I can only construe to be a small study with the basics, small sofa, desk and chair and more book shelves.
After settling myself on the sofa and Colton sat on the desk chair, I took a deep breath and went for it.

"Colton please listen I want you to know something's about me, I know Chloe told you about the party incident"

He nodded and I saw a grim expression appear on his face and his fists clench.

I took another deep breath for courage and continued.

" Well let's say that was one of many incidents involving men, they were never nice to me, because of who my parents were and because I was an easy target for them" I said lowering my head.

I heard a growl and some muttering, I looked up and saw Colton, I sat back shocked I had never seen such a look of fury in a person.

He looked at me and the look softened. He composed himself and was about to speak, when I interrupted him.

"Please let me finish" he nodded and the fury in him died down.

"Anyway I had Chloe to protect, so I put up with it, the bullying, the spitting the remarks and the physical abuse.
So what I'm trying to say is that, I have a lot of issues that I need to get to grips with, nightmares, being touched, talking to men, so I don't want you to waste your time on me, there are better people out there that don't come with baggage, I think you should let us move back in with Mrs Williams and I can go back to being a clean..."

"NO" roared Colton as he stood and slammed both his palms on the desk, I sat backed shocked, what's up with him I gave him a way out.

" Right have you finished now" he roared, I nodded meekly.

"Then it's my turn and if we are going to be frank about it, then good I'm tired of holding back, now I will be just as truthfully to you, as you have been to me Leanne Masters and to hell with the consequences.
I will never let you leave me, you are the most amazing person I have ever met, I know you haven't told me your full story, but let me tell you this, I will know all about you Leanne Masters because I am going to prove to you that all men are not fucking animals that deserve to be shot, I am going to show you how kind and understanding men can be, how gentle and loving and fun.
Because Leanne Masters who have brought me back into this world and shown me there is hope beyond the darkness, you did that to me, you showed me the light, you gave me the will to live again and I intend to repay you in full and when I succeed, which I will how ever long it takes, you will find love, for the first time you will be able to fall in love with a man Leanne Masters and that man will be me, because I'm falling so hard and fast for you, I can wait, just not for ever, now do you understand me?"

I just sat there frozen to the spot all through his speech my eye's were wide and my mouth fully open, I couldn't move or speak, I couldn't even stop the tears that started to fall.

Colton leaned over and brushed away my tears with his thumb's. Before whispering to me.

" Leanne you are it for me, if I can get you to love me half as much as I already love you then I will be the happiest man in the world for the rest of my life"

All that kept going around in my head was 'Colton love's me' I just couldn't get to grips with the idea, this Greek god of a man, the epitome of manhood and he wanted to be with me, me who has distrusted men all my life for good reason, how can that work.

"Now that we have an understanding, don't we" he said staring at me, I just nodded, I was still struggling with him loving me.

"Good then, I will tell you now that you are no longer a cleaner for Barratt Enterprises"

"You're firing me?" I gasped.

"No, promoting you, you are now my PA, starting salary will be $60,000 a year, company car, phone and tablet, any questions, Leanne" he said with warning in his voice, I shook my head, I was still not up to speed on what had happened let alone what was happening now.
It was all to quick, I couldn't keep up.

"Good" he pulled some paperwork out of the drawer and handed me a pen, sign here and here he point and I blindly signed where he said.

"Great that's it I will get your copy to you as soon as it's legalised, now I believe you and Chloe are going clothes shopping for our trip at the end of the week to Hollywood, so you better go and get ready okay, I just nodded and in a daze walked out the door, still trying to come to terms as to what the hell just happened.

Colton's POV

I watched as the love of my life walked out the door, I could see, she was so confused as to what had happened, that I felt a little bit sorry for her, I hadn't planned any of it.

But when she told me about her life and the suffering and then that she was not good enough for me, I lost it, I knew in that split second that I didn't like Leanne Masters, I was whole heartily in love with her and I would not put up with her demeaning herself, if anything I wasn't good enough for her and I meant every word I said.

Now I have to get an employment contract drawn up quickly, because I have no idea what I got her to sign, but so long as she believes it's legitimate then that worked for me.

Now phase two capture her heart, like she has mine.

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