All good things...

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This chapter contains intimate sex scenes
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Leanne's POV

Well that worked better than expected, as Colton ran his hungry eye's over my body causing it to go hyper sensitive, his look alone was making me breath fast and heavy.

His eyes were like lasers as he moved up and down my body, heating up where his gaze touched, the 'fuck me' get up Alex, Chloe and BB had put me in seemed to be working.
Five inch stilettos, black sheer stockings with seams, black figure hugging mini skirt with a slit up one side, black thong, tight blouse with only two middle buttons done up then the bottom tied in a lose knot at the front exposing most of my tummy and no buttons done up at the top exposing a lot of cleavage my long blonde hair loose down my back and a choker collar on.

He moved one slow step at a time towards me, as I moved one step at a time backwards, I was playing with fire and now I was about to get burnt.

"Leanne, oh Leanne this is the best birthday present ever" he whispered in a sexy voice. "I am really going to enjoy opening my present and I'm going to make you feel so many pleasures you'll beg me to stop, but guess what I'm not going to, I have you to myself all night and we are going to enjoy every minute of it"

Oh lord have mercy on my soul I thought as the back of my knees hit his bed and the hunger in his eyes intensified and a smirk spread across his face.

I had poked the wolf with a large stick, now I was going to be eaten alive, as he stood right in front of me in my personal space, I lifted my eye's upwards only to be met with two lust filled piercing green eyes as he slowly removed his shirt, all I could do was sit down on the edge of the bed and stare, he leant towards me a hand placed either side of me making me lay back on my elbows.

"Now Leanne at last I have you where I want you and I have you for the whole night" he whispered still with a sexy smirk on his face. I started walking myself backwards up the bed using my elbows as Colton matched my movements on all fours.

Just before I reached the headboard, his large hands grabbed my ankles causing me to stop.
With a quick pull on my ankles forcing me to fall on my back with a squeal, as I went to sit up , Colton growled.

"No! Don't move"

I didn't.

"You are mine, do you hear, all mine tonight"

All I could do was nod.

"Good tonight you are going to experience pleasure, I intend to take you to eroticism heaven, do you understand"

Again I nodded that's all my brain could come up with.

"Good I'm glad we understand each other, now put your hands above your head and touch the headboard, you move your hands and I will stop what I'm doing, if you do not have a good reason, I will spank your bare ass got it" he said staring at me with lust filled eye's.

Again I could just nod.

"Hands" he barked.

My hands shot over my head and touch the cool metal of the headboard, I realised my top had ridden up exposing more of my stomach, I removed one of my hands to push my top back down.

"Leave" Colton commanded

My hand shot back up.

"That's your one let off, so I won't spank your gorgeous bare ass this time"

"Oh I am so screwed, or I will be in a minute.
Colton leant over me and whispered in a low husky voice.

"Leanne during tonight you will scream my name numerous times, you will beg me not to stop and by tomorrow morning you will know the meaning of intimate pleasure, understand "

The Pursuit of Leanne MastersWhere stories live. Discover now