What the hell happened?

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Chloe's POV

The Barrett's were true to their word, Leanne was confined to bed, if I thought the Barrett boys were intimidating, well I didn't count on Geraldine Barratt, nobody, I mean nobody messed with her.
Leanne was battered in submission by the presence of the lady, even the Barrett boys listened and obeyed.

She fussed over Leanne like a mother hen over her chick, even I got overpowered by her, we were kitted out with basic clothing until Leanne was well enough to go shopping for designer wear.
Leanne and I both argued with her that the basics were more than we could get though in a lifetime and it was far to much.

Did we win, not a chance.

as BB said.

" You won't win you know, you may as go along with it. You and Leanne are like two more daughters, so suck it up. Personally I love it because it takes the pressure of me"

Talking of BB we had become good friends and she had introduced me to more of her friends in school and some cute boys.

Leanne's POV

When I woke the following morning, I felt like I had someone in my head using a jackhammer to try and get out.

"I'm never drinking again" I muttered as I turned on my side.

"I'm glad to hear it, moderation, dear girl, That's the answer" came a feminine voice from behind me.

I would have screamed and jumped a mile, but not the way my head felt, then my brain started to register things, like things I had never seen before, things that were definitely not in my bedroom, like the bed I'm in, oh shit what have I done.

I rolled over and stared into female eyes.

"Mrs Barratt, what are you doing here, more to the point where is here?" I asked holding a hand to my forehead.

"This my dear is your bedroom" she said with a satisfactory nod.

" I know I drunk a lot, but I'm not drunk now and no way is this my bedroom, where am I" I questioned.

"As I said your bedroom, this is yours now, Chloe's is next door, you bathroom is through that door" she pointed out a door across from the bed.

Before I could say anything, Mrs Barratt continued.

"This is your wardrobe, I've put in a few basics for you, when your better we will go shopping and get you some nice clothes"

My mouth was catching flies at this point, is this woman on another planet or am I, have I time warped into the future, what the hell has happened to me.

At that precise moment the door open and in strolled BB and Chloe they took one look at my face and burst out laughing.

"You should see your face" cried Chloe wiping away a tear.

"What the hell's going on Chloe, am I in a lost episode of The Twilight Zone, or am I still drunk.

" No dear you have moved in with us, you live here now with your sister" said Mrs Barratt.

"But I can't just up and move in here, this isn't my home, I need to get up and go, Thank you Mrs Barratt I appreciate all your help but we won't intrude any further" I said trying to get up.

"Young lady" bellowed Mrs Barratt " This is not up for discussion, you are living here now and that's that, I am not having you scared and harassed by unscrupulous men" by now she was leaning over me, with a glare that would melt steel.

"What about Mr Barratt and..." I didn't get to finish as Mrs Barratt was in full flow.

"They agree" she said crossing her arms over her chest still glaring at me.

Sheesh I thought I bet they wouldn't object anyway, this woman was formidable, she continued.

"Now that is settled you can rest a little longer, I will sent Charmaine up with some breakfast for you, which you will eat, then you can shower and find something to wear" she strolled over to the wardrobe and flung open the door doors, "You should be able to find something in here to wear"

Who's she kidding, first off it's not a wardrobe it's a room filled with clothes, I have never seen so many clothes in my life, it looks like TK Max threw up in there.

"And" she continued "When you're feeling better, we will go shopping and get you something more fitting for you to wear, now rest" she glared, I shot back into bed and pulled the covers up around me.

"Good, now you girls don't over tire her, I'll send breakfast up and Leanne don't forget what I said"

With that she sailed out the door closing it behind her.

As soon as the door was shut, Chloe and BB broke down in hysterical laughter.

"What just happened" I asked bemused.

In between bouts of laughter, Chloe said.

"You got put in your place, your lucky I tried arguing with the three of them, I was crucified I can tell you"

"That's definitely the last time I drink I can't handle the aftermath"

With that all three of us burst into more laughter, for the first time in my life, I was really happy.

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