The Trial

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Leanne's POV

It was a bit over whelming to be back in Tennessee, the last time I blew it a farewell kiss hoping never to return, now here I was back, in Spring Hill, which for me was close enough to where my nightmare started.

When our private jet landed, there were a lot of people swarming around, the fact that the daughters of the infamous Mastersons were back, but also involved in the death of a sheriff and the arrest of his son and that of the mayor's, to face an attempted murder charge plus add into the mix the rich and famous Barrett's were involved.

As soon as I appeared at the top of the plane's stairway cameras started flashing as reporter's pushed and shoved to get the best position.

I could here my name being called as everyone wanted to ask me questions.
Alex put her hand on my arm and smiled at me.

"Ready" she said I gave a quick nod.

"Let's get this over, same as before" Alex added "hoodie up, head down, iPod on don't get sucked in when they try and rile you.

I nodded yet again and prepared for the walk into hell. This time I had four security to block me and Alex in, as she would be right next to me all the time.

As the guys closed ranks on us Colton step in and put his arm around my waste and pulled me into him, gently pushing my head on to his chest.

He whispered "We will get through this together " And he planted a kiss on the top of my head and we set off down the steps, the incessant noise getting louder and louder.

When we reached the tarmac questions were being hurled at me I didn't hear much as I had my music up loud and was pressed into Colton's side.

Colton's POV

The questions came thick and fast, I pulled Leanne further in and she snuggled in closer, if it wasn't for the situation we were in I would have loved this feel of her pressed to me.

Are you and Isabella dating.
Isabella did you try and kill Duke.
Is it true he was going to dump you, that's why you attacked him.
Were you in a three some with Duke and Rowan.
Did they both rape you.
Was Ava raped.
We're you both raped.
Was it kinky sex.

The endless questions continued, I turned to check on Chloe or Ava as they were being called by there proper names now. She was buried with my mother and father plus three other security.

We made it to the cars and I pushed Leanne in and jumped in next to her, followed by Alex and the rest of the team and we moved off, the rest with Chloe piled in the car behind and set off after us.

Father had arranged for us to have the whole top floor of a local hotel, for security reasons. As we settle in, there is a knock at the door and Jacob Witherspoon enters.

"How was the flight" he enquired.

"Not bad Jacob" My father replied "How's it looking"

His eye's flicked quick to me and back to dad.

" Could have done without the trial being in Tennessee, but I have it covered he said.

Tomorrow we will enter a plea of not guilty and run with what we have "

Jacob and Mr Barratt went into another room to talk, leaving the rest of us in silence with our thoughts.

Leanne's POV

Chloe switched the TV on for something to do and there are pictures of me on most of the news channels.
One even showed an interview with some girls who use to bully me saying I use to bully them, this didn't look good for me.

I decided to go to bed, as I lay down I felt despair and terribly lonely, I couldn't help but start sniffing.

There was a knock on my door and I when I pulled the door open it was Colton, he wandered in and hugged me.
I stood arms by my side crying.

" Hey babe what's with the tears" he asked.

" It's hopeless they are all saying lies about me, I'm going to prison for a crime I didn't mean to happen because everybody hates me" I sobbed.

He pushed me away from him to arms length with his hands on my shoulders.

"You're not going to jail, have faith in Jacob he good, now come on let's go to bed"

He led me over to my bed and laid me down, then he stood removed his shirt and climbed in next to me and pulled my back to his front and cuddled me.

"What are you doing" I asked.

"Not leaving my girlfriend alone, now shush go to sleep"
And that's what I did with Colton holding me.

The next day, we had to endure the press gauntlet again and again we used the same tactics.

I made a brief appearance in front of the judge to plead not guilty and sat and listened to a lot of legal jargon, before I was released into Mr Barratt senior's custody.

Then we dealt with the press again.

The following day it was the same pattern, I hadn't slept very well and I didn't want any breakfast, Colton never left my side he made me eat, threatening to treat me like a small child and play silly games that parents do to get stubborn children to eat, he made me laugh and I did eat something.

When we were settled in the court room, things from my point of view, when from bad to worse.

A parade of the girls who had picked on me and bullied me constantly at school and in the streets, came and lied about me, saying I had a crush on Duke, that I kept following him, touching him, that I had boasted I had had sex with him, I couldn't believe my ears, I was gently crying how could people hate me so much.

Each time my attorney asked a few questions, objected saying it was hear say and said he may want to question them further.

That evening there was an uncomfortable silence in our hotel rooms, I couldn't eat as much as Colton tried, I was getting paranoid, that they would believe the lies and leave me here to fight on my own.

This was quickly dispelled, when I tried to apologise for dragging them into this.

"That's the biggest crock of shit I have ever heard in my life" said Mrs Barratt angrily and Mrs Barratt have never cussed in her life before apparently.

" And as Ray pointed out nobody messes with my family and" she said glaring at me "before you say anything Leanne Masters you are family"

This was followed by everyone in the room adding their vocal support.

Could a miracle happen?

The answer came the next day in a resounding NO! As the mayor got on the stand and declared that he had seen his son and me on numerous occasions, kissing and holding hands.

That evening I was inconsolable and shut myself in my room and wouldn't come out for anything.

The next morning at breakfast it was a somber affair, Mr Colton and Jacob were whispering together in a corner, Colton had sat me on his knee trying to get me to eat and everyone was trying to cheer me up.

A knock on the door and a tall muscular man came in and went directly to Jacob waving a file at him, they left together.

Shit I thought more back news I'm going to jail, Colton was doing his best to calm me down by whispering words of encouragement and love in my ear and rubbing circles on my back, usually that worked when I was panicking, but today it had no effect, today I'd have to listen to more lie's, from the main protagonist Duke.

Just then the door swung open to reveal a beaming Jacob holding the file the other man gave him.

He stood in the centre of the room and declared.

"Ladies and gentlemen today's the day we win the war"

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