17: Waves.

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The waves crashing against the sand were beautiful. They were so free, they were so wild. Exactly what I wanted to be. So I thought to myself; why don't I join these waves, maybe then I'd stop being held captive by sadness. I'd be free, I'd be wild. And probably happy.

I slowly walked towards the dark blue sea. It was stormy. Lightning bolts flashed across the grey sky followed by loud claps of thunder. There was a storm coming. The current in the waves were increasing. They were wilder. I just wanted to join them and be washed away with them. The sounds they were making as they rose and fell against the sand were calling me.  Maya. Maya. Maya. I couldn't help but to feel wanted. What if the waves wanted me to be happy, I thought.

I turn my head to look behind me. I see a masculine silhouette standing about ten feet away. I see a slight shake of his head.

I walked closer, towards the sea in front of me. The damp sand under my feet. I continued walking then I could feel the cold feel of the sea. The water reached my shins. Then above my knees. I continued going in. It was above my torso. I shivered as the waves crashed into me. I continued walking. I felt the water around my chest region. I was cold. I persevered through the wild waves and continued walking.

Now the water was right beneath my chin. The coming waves rose above my head.

I was completely under. I tasted the saltiness of the sea. The water entered through my nose into my chest. I felt my lungs expand like a balloon filled with water. Slowing using up any oxygen. Slowly sucking the life out of me.





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