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So Eun

There were four rooms inside with two beds each. Last night, Minhyuk and Kihyun slept together, Shownu and Jooheon, then Wonho and Hyungwon. As manager, I slept with I.M oppa in our room.

I woke up quite early today and when I went out, I saw Kihyun.

"Wahh! Kihyun oppa, you're awake now? You sure are a very responsible member even if you're on vacation!" I praised him.

This guy is daebak. If only I could have someone like him as my husband.. hehehe.

"Annyeong So Eun-ah, could you please wake up the others for me?" he asked.

"Okay, sure." I said and went into my room to wake I.M up first.

I went in and saw he was still asleep. An idea came into my mind.

"Ireona (wake up), ppalli ireona." I said as I tapped him and I could see him waking up slowly.

He was awake but wouldn't open his eyes but I started to speak.

"I made a delicious meal for you. Let's eat together. Won't you have a taste of my soup?" I imitated his sexy wake up call and he immeadiately looked and listened to me.

"YA! WERE YOU COPYING MY WAKE UP CALL?!" He noticed and he was shocked and embarrassed.

I laughed really hard out loud because I remember his wake up call in Deokspatch X.
He suddenly began hitting me in my arms lightly but it still hurt.

"Ya, stop! I'm sorry!" I laughed.

"Aishh.. you remember every word I said on my wake up call! You really are my fangirl. Wow, I'm flattered you remembered. I must be really special." He smirked.

"Shut up. Whatever." I rolled my eyes and left to wake up the others.

I saw Shownu already working out beside the pool outside with Wonho oppa. I went in Jooheon's room and suddenly saw him with Minhyuk and they were kicking and tickling each other.


"What are you doing?" I asked them.

"I was waking up Jooheoney~" Minhyuk happily said.

"Oh. I guess he's awake now since you were just playing with each other awhile ago. Bye." I said leaving to go to Hyungwon's room.

Oh gosh. He was in a really deep sleep. I thought as I saw him.

"Hyungwon oppaaaaaa!! WAKE UUUUPPP!!" I said in a really loud voice.

I saw him move and I thought I did it. He looked at me for a second then switched positions and fell into sleep again.


I pity Kihyun.

I started to bother him alot and I kept hitting him, shaking him, tapping him, and pinching him but he only whined and complained but wouldn't get out of bed.

Hehe maybe if I kiss this guy he would bolt up and wake up immediately. Hehe Sleeping Beauty Hyungwon <3

I thought as I was tempted to kiss him so he would wake up. Omo hahahaha I was getting all byuntae as fangirls would say.
Good thing Kihyun went in the room immeadiately and offered to wake up Hyungwon himself instead.

"Hey, I'll handle Hyungwon, go eat outside with the boys now." He said.

"Oh. Thank you oppa! He just won't wake up." I told him.

I left and went to sit beside I.M to eat breakfast.

"Oh! Pancakes. Finally!" I said and started eating.

Breakfast was really good. Afterwards we all went out and saw the sun shining brightly. It was a good weather. The boys were dipping their feet onto the pool as they sat together.

I joined them and I.M came beside me. He suddenly began splashing water to me.

"Ya! Stop!!" I got irritated as he kept splashing me with water.

"You still didn't shower. You smell bad. So have some water." He teased me as he laughed.

I got annoyed so I hit him hard in the back. I didn't expect it but he fell into the water!

"Woah! What happened to Changkyun?" Wonho exclaimed.

"Omg! I'm so sorry I.M! It's your fault you annoyed me. I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hit you hard! Sorry!" I apologized over and over again as I couldn't help myself from laughing.

He tried to look not embarassed and that as if I pissed him off  when suddenly, he dragged my feet that were in the water down.

I fell into the water as well and the members were laughing at us. Good thing I didn't fall down that hard because when he pulled my feet, I fell down on him as I held on to him tightly.

I was still wrapping my arms around his neck when he looked at me and smirked. "Now we're even." He said.

I got annoyed again that I splashed him with lots and lots of water.


I had fun messing up with So Eun. She was really funny and cute which makes me like her more.

We got out of water and took individual showers. When I went out, I felt my body ache, particularly my arms because I caught So Eun when she fell in the pool earlier.

I dried myself up and changed first when So Eun went in done from showering and changing.

"What's wrong?" she asked as she noticed me trying to massage my arms and shoulders.

She sat down beside me on my bed and tried to help me.

"My arms and shoulders hurt." I said in pain.

"Ohh.. Just wait, Ill get some pain reliever." She said and left the room.

Later on, she came back inside with me.

"I dont have any patches or medicine. I only have this oil to apply on where in hurts." She said.

I took off my shirt because I wanted her to apply it for me instead.

Lazy mode.

I directed her to where it aches and she did a great job on massaging me. She was able to ease the pain. Her hands were like magic!

We just annoyed each other earlier but she's also very sweet, kind, and caring.

"Are you okay now? Does it still hurt?" She asked.

"Umm. A bit. Thank you." I said.

"Sure." She said and put my shirt back on me.

My heart suddenly skipped happily because of her..

Park Soeun, you're a wonderful girl.


Annyeong! I thought of updating tonight! Hehe.. I'm trying to make the plot for the story set so I hope you would continue to support me ans read.

Thank you so much for reading, I appreciate you guys so much!

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I hope you like this chapter!

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