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"Selena i don't know what to do"

I don't know how long i have been here now, but Karlie should be on her way over. I've messaged them both saying I need to speak to them, because I can't keep what im feeling, to myself.

"Taylor, your worrying me" Selena looks at me as she has a sip of her coffee.

"Where is Karlie?" I mumble as I jig my leg up and down.

"I will ring her, hold on" She walks out of the room, leaving me sat here, alone thinking about how to tell them without them both freaking out.

"Yeah right, Karlie, she obviously needs you and your too busy with Ryan, just make sure you ring her later okay, see you soon" I hear Selena as she walks back into the room. I sigh, knowing Karlie is busy, again.

Selena sits down on her couch beside me, looking annoyed as she throws her phone onto the other chair. 

"She cant make it, shes with Ryan, she said shes sorry"

"Oh, its fine. Selena please don't hate me for what I'm going to say" A tear falls down my cheek onto my leg, I wipe under my eyes, calming myself down.

"Tay, dont ever say that, I will always stand by you and support you with what ever you do babe, just tell me quickly before the pizza goes cold" she laughs as she takes a slice.

"Okay.. Im just going to get straight to the point and you can ask questions after okay?"
She nods with a mouthful of food. I sit up straight and take a breath in.

"Its Harry, I can't get him off my mind"

Selena stares back at me with a shocked expression on her face, as she holds the pizza she was just about to take a bite of, in mid air.

"Tay, where has this come from?" she puts the pizza down and waits for me to continue.

"Right, from the start, here goes nothing.."
I explain everything to her, from when i saw him look at me and Calvin at the billboard awards ages ago, to thinking all about him ever since making the Out Of The Woods music video. To hearing the bands Made In The A.M. album. And how the some of the songs relate to me and him. I just let everything out, and i feel like a huge weight has been taken off my shoulders.

"Babe, your my best friend, no fuck that your practically like my sister. And I will always tell you what i think is best for you. I honestly think that your not happy with Calvin but you love him, and you don't want to be alone. I don't blame you, Calvin treats you like a rebound, like your there when he's at home or when he's bored, he loves his job more than you. Where as Harry, he would put his job on the line for you. I'll try and speak to Niall about Harry and see when he is back off this trip with Kendall, and i want you to come out with me, to see Niall and Harry, because you have to tell him how you feel"

What she says hits me, its made me contemplate everything. And i need to do something about it, but something is holding me back.

I pick up a slice of pizza and take Selena's hand in mine.
"Thank you, for helping me. I needed it"

"Anytime. Okay so what film should we put on? We can have a girls night" starting to get all giddy, she walks over to her t.v stand to retrieve the remote.

"Okay so we've got...Dirty Dancing?"

I turn to look at her, with my eyebrows raised.
She takes in my face and it hits her, what me and Harry did.

"Maybe not... okay what about Grease? It's a classic!" She shouts as I laugh, I nod my head and eat my pizza.

"Sure why not. I could do with a sing along and a bit of Danny Zuko" I chuckle as Selena nods, wiggling her eyebrows.

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