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Taylor's P.O.V
I wake up to my phone ringing.
"Tay, answer your phone"

Harry is still half asleep, so i get up and answer it. I pull on Harry's shirt, not caring about my underwear on the floor.


"Hey Taylor"
Karlie. I don't want to wake anyone up so i walk into Harrys on suit and shut the door.

"Hey" I say bluntly.
I am pissed off with her. She knew about the crash, Calvin cheating on me, Selena being in hospital. Me being alone. And she only decides to ring me now.

"Look, I'm sorry, i should of came to see you sooner"

"Yep" i lean on the wall and look at the floor.

I hear her sigh.
"Tay, don't be like that. You know that if i had the chance i would of come, but work was a pain and i was busy"

"Year Karlie, like when you was in hospital, i put my tour back a whole month just so i could come and see you. Really puts some things into perspective"
I tear falls down my cheek, as I continue to speak.

"Your meant to be my best friend, and you would rather choose work, over me. I see where your priorities lie. When I invited you over to Selenas to speak, you were with that stupid boyfriend of yours who treats you like shit. I'm guessing you don't know that im with Harry again? Yeah cause it's been that long. And you know what? He has been there for me in a matter of 1 month, more than anyone has in this last year. Karlie just call me back when you know what you actually want"
I end the call and sit on the side of the bath, as tears fall down my face.

I hear the door creek open as Harry stands there, he walks over and pulls me into him.
"Im so sorry Harry. God, you haven't seen me cry in ages" I chuckle as I hold onto him.

"Don't say sorry baby"
I clear my throat and look at him.

"Did you hear?"
He nods and gives me an apologetic smile.

"She will come round eventually, you and her will be okay again soon. It meant a lot about what you said about me" He kisses my forehead.

"Whats the time?" He looks at his watch and pulls away.

"Its 10:45, want to go downstairs?" I nod and laugh at the sight of us. He smirks and I shake my head.

"Let me put some pyjamas on, I'm only in your shirt and you're, well baby, you're naked"
He laughs as we walk back into his room.

I put some sweatpants on and a tank-top, i put my hair in a bun. I turn around and see Harry pulling on some sweats and a loose t-shirt.
Once we are done we walk downstairs, I look around and see the empty house, I go through to the kitchen and see Gemma at the counter eating some fruit.

"Morning Gem" i walk over and make myself a glass of water.

"Morning Tay, how you feeling?"
Fuck. Last night, I completely forgot.

"You know I actually feel fine"
Harry walks over and slides his arm round my waist as he grins.

"You know tay, the lads weren't lying, you can really fight. I didn't think you had it in you" he laughs and i feel my cheeks heat up.

Gemma hits his arm and he jumps away from her "Leave her alone Harry. Look, mum left for work and everyone else is asleep so I'm going to drive to the shops and get some stuff to cook for breakfast, what are you both doing today?"

Harry looks over at me basically asking for me to speak, even though its his own sister.
"Probably going to wait until you and your mum get home from work and cook dinner for you both, me and Harry will cook, is that okay?"

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