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"Good for him"

Thats all I can say. I get up off Harry's lap and get back to eating my food, with everyone was staring at me.

"Guys seriously I don't care about him. He's in the past" They all nod cautiously and go back to whatever they were doing.

We are in a car driving to my beach house.
Me and Harry were in one car and the rest are in another. They stopped at the service station a few minutes back, because Selena needed the toilet.

"I love you, you know Harry"
He takes his eyes off the road and looks at me for a quick second.

"I love you to, so much"
I grab his hand and hold it, i glance out the window. The sky is dark, filled with stars. I see a view of the beach, the moonlight making the water glisten.

Harry is looking at me, concerned.

"Harry don't feel worried, i was just looking at the view"

He nods  "well were at your beach house now, want to help me get everything?"

I get out the car, grab the cases and walk into my house.

I've actually missed the feeling of being here, i walk down my hall and see a photo, one of me and Harry a few years ago, when we came here.

The memory starts to play in my head

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The memory starts to play in my head. Me and him lay on the beach, kissing, lost in our moment.  Then suddenly the waves hit us and we started to laugh.

"I love that photo"
I feel Harry standing behind me while his hands fall on my hips.

I smile "me too, I forgot it was here"
He kisses my cheek and jogs upstairs to take our things up.

Suddenly a loud bang disrupts me and I turn around to see Niall and Selena.

I grabbed the photo and hold it to my chest.
"Hey guys, wheres Lou and Danielle?"

Niall drops the suitcases and lets out a sigh before he speaks.
"They went into the town for some drinks and left me to carry all this. Idiots"

Me and Selena let out a laugh as Niall rolls his eyes.

"Harry will help you. I'm going to go and get him, go through to the living room or kitchen and make yourselves at home"

I walk upstairs to see Harry unpacking and humming one of his songs, Olivia probably, I smile and put the photo of us that i was holding on my bed.

"Hey baby, Niall and Selena are here. Lou and Dani went out into town"

"Okay that all good, put this on and meet me at the beach in 5"
He leaves the room and i look down at my hands, there's a bikini in them.

Oh god Haz.

I put it on and then wrap a towel around me, i sneak downstairs and hear soft snores coming from my living room along with the noise of the television.

I leave the beach house, walk to the beach and see Harry already in the water.
I take a deep breath and drop the towel.

As i walk over to him i felt the sand crumble around my feet as i walk, i hear the soft delicate crashing of the waves ahead of me, and the glistening moonlight, making both mine and my fiancées skin glow.

I enter the water and let out a gasp. It's freezing cold, i shut my eyes tight and suddenly my body was overtaken with a warm fuzzy feeling, as i feel his touch on my waist.

"You came"

I smile, "course i did, why did you bring me out here?"
He pulls me to stand in front of him and looks up to the moon.

"I wanted some alone time with you, to talk about everything"
I squeeze his hands.

"Your amazing you know"
He blushes, I feel his skin heat up.

"So about the trying for a baby, what's going to happen?"

"First harry, are you 100% sure you want that?"
He smiles and his dimples appear.

"More than anything"
I let out a sigh of relief, i feel him wrap his arms around me.

"It still hasn't hit me that were engaged yet Tay"

"I know, me and you are just Tay and Haz, ever since i set eyes on you, i fell in love with you. And even after we broke up the first time, I don't think i had ever felt so empty, but we came back, and no one knew, fans sussed us, but for 2 years, on and off, Up until i met Calvin, it was me and you. Harry, letting you go was one of the hardest things i had ever had to do. But now I'm here with you, engaged and trying for a baby, and thats all i ever wanted. And now i have that..I'm never letting you go"

Harry's P.O.V
Once she finishes speaking i feel a tear slide down my cheek.

"Woah babe, I wasn't supposed to make you upset" she whispers while laughing.

I wipe the tear away, "no I'm just really happy i have you, thats all"

She leans her head against my chest and wraps her legs around me.

"The view is beautiful Har"

I nod "i know, it's amazing"
I feel her shiver so i pick her up.

"Harry, what you doing?"

"Your cold, its late and i know your tired, so were going to bed"
I feel her smile, and she lets her arms rest on my shoulder. I pick up our towels from off the sand and wrapped them around her.

"You would be a great dad you know Harry, I know we have already spoke about it, but you would"
I feel butterflies in my stomach and I can't help but kiss her.

"Finally a bed" Taylor's already under the covers in her pyjama shorts and a tank top, while I'm trying to get the television to work on the wall.

"Tay can I just leave this unti-"
I turn around and see her already asleep, i smile to myself.
I really love her, and I'm never letting her go.

Sorry for the short chapter😳 it's just a filler really.

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