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I'm feeling sweaty and hot when I wake.
I turn over and my face makes contact with my phone. I press the home button and nothing comes up. It's ran out of battery.

I put it on charge and climb out of bed to go and take a shower. The hot, soothing water cleanses me, I feel relaxed and calm. I'm trying to push all of my thoughts out of my mind but I know I have to face up to them sooner or later.

It's 2pm by the time I've ate lunch and got ready. I'm in denim shorts and a loose shirt, I don't really plan on going out today, but I know I will see Harry either way.

I run upstairs to grab my phone, I collapse onto my bed and scroll through my messages.

I have one off Harry saying he will be at mine for three, and one from my group chat.


Selena- All of you call me, I have a plan.

The group chat consists of me, Selena, Karlie, Cara, Dani and Gemma, but she's hardly ever active as she's always with Liam.

I start a group call, one by one they pick up and I instantly hear Selena squealing in the background.

"Girls, me and Niall want everyone to go out to a nightclub tonight" she screams. I smile for her, I haven't heard his this excited in ages.

"What about Joey?" Cara states.

"We have a babysitter" she hasn't been out or been able to drink for a while, it was before she was pregnant I think.
I cant let her down.

"I'm in, you both deserve a night off" I say, I can imagine her smiling right now.

"Me too" Dani and Karlie say at the same time.

"Cara?" Selena asks.

"Uhh, yeah okay then, what time and where? And are the boys coming?" My heart sinks as i remember Harry.

"Yeah the boys are coming. Liam an Gemma aren't though, but I know that obviously Louis, Harry and Niall are coming, I think Ed is too, and we're all meeting at mine at eight so be there" she tells us, her voice quick and loud, I'm lucky I heard her.

"Okay, I will definitely be there, I've got to go girls, see you all later" I say, they all say their byes. As I end the call I hear my door knock.

I rush downstairs and open the door, I expect to see Harry but Kyle is stood there instead.

"Kyle! Hey, uh, what are you doing here" I invite him in as we stand in front of each other.

"Hey, I haven't heard from you in a while and I thought I would pop in and ask if your okay" I smile and I feel butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"Oh, yeah. I'm good thank you. Hey, I'm sort of busy right now" I quickly glance at the clock and see that it's five to three.

"So do you want to meet for a coffee on Monday?" I finish.

I see a blush take over his cheeks as he nods "yeah, definitely, I will call you Sunday night then?" I nod as he opens the door again.

"See you Monday Ky" I rush my words, I suddenly feel his arms wrap around my waist as he hugs me, I quickly hug him back but then pull away.

"See you, Tay" he smiles at me as he leaves my house.
I feel like I'm a spark that won't go out. I mean it's not like the fire that I feel every time I look or touch Harry, but it's something.

I make myself a glass of water to calm my nerves down. My eyes drift to the photos that are stuck on my fridge.

Most of them are of me and Harry, or my friends and family. But there's one of me and Kyle. Laughing, we tried to take a selfie but he burped just before I took the photo, we burst into fits of laughter.

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