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Harry's P.O.V
The weeks have gone by fast...too fast.

The police still haven't caught the stalker, and the paps hadn't found us yet...thankfully. But it doesn't feel right being here, don't get me wrong it's beautiful, but its not for me and Tay.

She is back on the pill, we don't want to have a baby just yet. We've discussed it many times and we have agreed. I still keep asking if its okay and she says it is, i just hope she's telling me the truth.

Selena is close to giving birth, its late October now, and her due date is early November; i have honestly never seen Niall so happy, I'm glad he's getting his chance at having his own family, he deserves it.

Taylor rolls over, while still asleep. I can tell she wants to go home, she keeps dropping small hints like "I wonder how the cats are" or "i miss my own bed" and quite frankly, i feel the same way.

I can't live this life anymore, living life hiding, i know its keeping me and her safe, but it's unhealthy.

Were going home.

Taylor's P.O.V

The sun in my eyes when I wake up. Again.
I instantly groan, i hate it here. I want to go home, I honestly couldn't give two shits about that stalker, i just want to go back to my house.

I sit up and brush the hair out of my eyes. I pull the covers back and go and take a shower. But I can't find my clothes anywhere.

"Harry?" I look around the hut, I see our suitcases by the door, is he leaving me?

"Tay" i spin around, Harry's walking in. He's dressed in black jeans with a black T-shirt. Black in this heat?..

"Baby, what's going on?" He hands me a white shirt with some dungaree shorts, underwear and a pair of white trainers.

"Get showered and ready, meet me at Niall and Selena's when you're ready" he pecks my lips and leaves, leaving me clueless.

In about an hour I'm all ready, i make my way to where i was told to. I walked in and notice that Niall and Selena's things are still here.

What the hell?

I take a seat next to Harry "Can somebody please explain what's happening?"

"We're going home Tay" I instantly smile, i cover my mouth with my hand in shock.

"Really? What all of us?" I look at Niall who is on his laptop then to Selena who's rubbing her belly.

"No, these are staying here until they baby is born, it's just me and you princess. I know you have been missing home, and despite whatever problems that are going on back there, were not going to keep running" i spring up out of my seat and hug him.

"Thank you Harry, when are we going?" He looks at his watch, then stands up.

"Now actually, the jet will take us straight to L.A, we will drop everything off at home then go and do some shopping? Is that good?" I frantically nod while grinning.

I walk over so Selena and kiss her belly " Little man! Come on Mummy is going to burst soon, and as your god mother i really need to see you, i love you loads Tigger" i see Sel smile at the nickname i have given to him, because he's always moving around.

I kiss her belly and get up to say goodbye to her and Niall.

Home. We are on our way home, finally we're on the plane. We have been on here for about 3hours, we still have 4hours to go, I think. Harry's in bed asleep while I'm watching Love Actually.

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