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Taylor's P.O.V

"Hey Harry, I'm going to get Selena cause Niall has a hospital check up and he's going to make his own way there, can you meet us there baby?"
He strolls out of the bedroom as he tries to find his boots. We stayed cuddled together on the bed until 2pm. Then we realised how late we were.

"Yeah babe, just call me when your there okay?"
I nods and quickly kiss his cheek

"I love you" he smirks as he replies

"i love you too tay"

I hastily throw my suitcases in my car and drive to Selena's, she's going to go crazy when she sees my ring.

After a small chat about the baby and Niall i ask her to pass me my water bottle from the back seat, i hold out my left hand to accept it. She suddenly drops the bottle and pulls my hand to look at the ring.

"Taylor Alison Swift, what haven't you told me?"
My cheeks turn red and i laugh, i check the time and it's 2:30, we have time to go and get a Starbucks.

"Lets walk to Starbucks and we will come back to meet Louis and Dani in half an hour"
Before she can say anything i am out the car and walking away.

"Swift stop now"
I remember she's pregnant so i stop.
"Walk and talk?"

She nods with a grin plastered on her face.

"Okay well he asked me, and then he got out the ring, i said I didn't know. I went to Karlie's and she asked if i could see a future with him, and i said yes, and then suddenly everything fell into place. So i drove home and said yes"
By the time i finish we are in the Starbucks line and her eyes are full of excitement.

"Oh my god you and Harry are fucking engaged Tay!! Finally!" I laugh and my cheeks turn red. Again.

I order my drink and a cookie, once we receive our orders me and Selena make our way back to the car. I spot Louis and Dani and we walk over to them.

"Hey guys, how you both been?"
Selena greets them first and i do after.

Im on my phone calling Harry when i see both Dani and Lou's eyes, lock onto my left hand with their mouths agape and their eyes wide.

I don't notice Harry answer the call.
"Babe where are you?" I ask.

"Im inside the airport, where are you?" Christ.

"What Haz? We're outside, can you come and help me with my suitcases?" He sighs which is followed with a chuckle.

"I will be right out"

"Thanks baby, I love you" I can't help but smile as my eyes fall to the floor. Away from everyone else's.

"I love you too Tay" his words make me feel like I'm fire.

I end the call and notice all three of them staring at me.

"So you going to tell them?"
Why. Why couldn't Selena just keep her mouth shut.

"I'll wait for Harry and Niall"
Suddenly a pair of arms snake round Selena's waist.

"I heard my name"
Niall.  Of course.

I turn pale and an uneasy feeling takes over me. I turn my head an see Harry walking over to us, i jog over to him and immediately embrace him.

"Woah, baby, whats wrong?" I pull back and see my hands shaking. He takes them in his and I look at him.

"Harry they all saw the ring and I can't explain on my own" His lips turn up a little as he lifts my chin upwards so I'm looking at him.

"I will explain, i love you" he kisses my cheek.

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