Never Going Back.

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Taylor's P.O.V

The drive home is silent between us.

Thoughts are racing through my mind, I just can't bring myself to say them to him.
What if this is the wrong thing to do,  I hate that I'm always doubting myself, I need to find the courage to say something.

"So, what are we going to do?" I stare down at my lap, too scared to even look at him.

"Leave each other" my eyes widen and my jaw drops. Literally. What the hell. Why is he suddenly being so upfront and harsh about us.

"Wha- Harry why are you being so cold?" I feel my eyes starting to sting and my body weaken.

Why is this happening to us, again. Are we not right for each other or something? For once I actually thought fate was on my side.

"'Cause we can't be around each other, it won't do us any good. But we are going to be around each other, when the baby is born we have to be there for Selena, Niall and our god baby. Our friends are friends with each other and your best friends with Gemma, we need to fucking figure this out, Taylor"

I'm trying so hard not to break down, but the way he says my it's poison In his mouth, just sends me off the edge.

"WHY ARE YOU BEING SO STUBBORN? Jesus Harry! Just please stop being so cold and let me in, it's only me! I still need you in my life, I just think we need space and to figure out what we want, please I still fucking love you for gods sake" by now I'm in tears. My make up is all down my face, I'm literally shouting In his face. And I haven't even noticed where I am.

My parents home. Why am I here? Me and Harry have a home together. Why aren't we there? Half my things are still there.

"You can't live with me anymore" he speaks as if he can read my mind. I snap.

"Do you love me?" I wait for him to speak.


"Do you love me Harry?" I raise my voice this time. I let out a steady breath.

"DO YOU STILL FUCKING LOVE ME HARRY?" I'm pleading for him to answer me, my hands are clasped together and I am practically on the edge of my car seat with tears still falling down my face.
I grab his face with my hands and make him look at me.

Our eyes lock and for a split second, Hurt. Guilt. Regret. Heart break. And doubt all flash through his eyes. And then just like that, his eyes are just a reflection of me, my broken, crying face. God I look terrible.

"Answer me" my voice breaks. I just fall into his lap.

"Not like I used to. We're fragile and on our last thread. We were going to break sooner or later. I still love you" I let out a breath I don't even know I'm holding, I smile a little, he still loves me.

"But I'm not in love with you anymore, I'm stopping myself from feeling anything towards you" I let out a scream like I've just been burnt. I'm sobbing in his lap.

I keep chanting things to him.

"I need you"

"Don't leave me"

"I can't live without you"

"I love you"

"Baby, please. Stay"

"Harry. You're mine. Don't go"

"I don't want to lose you. Again"

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